Secretary of State, was now in attendance with a communication
from the Governor, touching that subject.
Whereupon, JOHN NICK WATKINS, Esq., Secretary of State,
presented the following communication from the Governor to the
Convention, together with the official ret urns of the election
November 5th, 1850.
Gentlemen of the Convention:
I have the honor, in compliance with your request, to transmit
herewith the returns of the election held on the first Wednesday
of September Last, uner the Act of December session, eighteen
hundred and forty-nine, chapter three hundred and forty-six,
entitled, "an act to provide for the taking the sense of the people
upon the expediency of calling a Convention to frame a new
Constitution and Form of Government for this State, and to pro
vide for the election of Delegates to such Convention," and a list
of the Delegates to the Convention.
A List of Members of the Maryland State Convention, elected
under the provisions of the Act of the General Assembly, of
December session 1849, chapter 346
Saint Mary's County---George C. Morgan, William I. Blakis
tone, John F. Dent, James R. Hopewell.
Kent County—James B. Ricaud, John Lee, Ezekiel F. Cham..
hers, Joseph T. Mitchell.
Anne Arundel County—Thomas Donaldson, Thomas B.
Dorsey, George Wells, Alexander Randall, James Kent, John S.
Calvert County—George W. Weems, Jesse J. Dalrymple, John
Bond, A. R. Sollers.
Charles County_George Brent, John G. Chapman, William
D. Merrick, Daniel Jenifer.
Baltimore county_Benjamin a. Howard, James M. Buchanan,
Ephraim Bell, Thomas J. Welsh, Hartwell J. Chandler, James
L. Ridgely.
Talbot County_Edward Lloyd, Samuel P. Dickinson, Cor
nelius Sherwood, Morris 0. Colston.
Somerset County_John Dennis, James U. Dennis, John W.
Crisfield, John J. Dashiell, William Williams.
Dorchester County—Thomas H. Hicks, John H. Hodson,
William T. Goldsborough, Joseph R. Eccieston, Francis P.
Cecil County—Albert Constable, Benjamin B. Chambers, Wil
liam McCullough, John M. Miller, Louis McLane.
Prince George's county—Thomas F. Bowie, William
B. Tuck, Samuel Sprigg, John M. S. McCubbin, John D.
Queen Anne's county—William A. Spencer, William Grason,
Enoch George, Henry E. Wright.