Mr. Johnson, then moved to amend said report of the commit
tee on Representation, by inserting in the place of the 2nd section,
the following
The House of Delegates shalt be composed of seventy-five
members to be apportioned among the several counties and city of
Baltimore, pursuant to the ratios herein provided; according to
their several numbers as shown by the recent census of the
United States, to be determined by adding to the whole number of
free persons including those bound to service for a term of years
three fifths of all other persons, and allowing to each county one
additional delegate for a fraction exceeding one half of the ratio,
but each county shall be entitled to at least two delegates. The
ratio shall be one delegate to every six thousand inhabitants of the
said county and city, until the number of the House of Delegates
shall be seventy -two, and thereafter the ratio shall be one to every
forty-one thousand inhabitants, result as follows:
Allegany county four, Anne Arundel county three, Howard
county two, Baltimore city ten Baltimore county seven, Carroll
county three, Caroline county two, Calvert county two, Cecil
county three, Charles county two, Dorchester county three,
Frederick county seven, Harford county three, Kent county two,
Montgomery county two, Prince George's county three, Queen
Anne's county two, St Mary's county two, Somerset county three,
Talbot county two, Washington county five, and Worcester coun
ty three. Provided, nevertheless, that each county and city shall
be divided into seperate election districts of compact, contiguous
territory, in the manner hereafter to be provided in this constitution;
the qualified voters in each of which districts shall at the time and
in the manner, in which delegates are chosen, elect one delegate,
who has for one year next before his election been a resident of
the district from which he shall be elected; and the residence in
a district, requisite to give a right of suffrage shall be six months
next preceding the election; but in case any voter, otherwise
qualified shall have less than six months residence in the district
of his then residence, he shall not thereby lose his right to vote in
the district in which he may have resided for the six months next
preceeding his removal.
Which was read,
Mr. Jenifer, offered as a substitute for said amendment, the
amendment offered by him on yesterday and afterwards with
drawn, to be found on page 497 of Journal.
Which was read.
Mr. Sollers, moved to amend said substitute by striking out
Charles county and Calvert county, and inserting in lieu thereof,
the following:
"Calvert shall he entitled to three Delegates in the House of
Delegates, and Charles county to four delegates."
Mr. Stephenson, gave notice of his intention to move a recon