Hicks, Goldsborough, Eccleston, Phelps, Bowie, Sprigg, Mc
Cubbin, Bowling and Waters—29.
NEGATIVE—Messrs. Morgan, Blakistone, Dent, Hopewell,
Sollers, Jenifer, Howard, Buchanan, Bell, Welch, Chandler,
Ridgely, Lloyd, Coiston, Constable, Chambers, of Cecil, Miller,
McLane, Tuck, Spencer, Grason, George, Wright, Dirickson,
McMaster, Hearn, Fooks, Jacobs, Thomas, Shriver, Johnson,
Gaither, Biser, Annan, Sappington, Stephenson, McHenry, Ma
graw, Nelson, Thawley, Stewart, of Car. Hardcastle, Stewart, of
Balt, city, Brent, of Balt. city, Sherwood, of Balt. city, Presst
man, Ware, Fiery, John Newcomer, Harbine, Michael New
comer, Kilgour, Brewer, Anderson, Weber, Hollyday, Slicer,
Fitzpatrick, Smith, Parke, Shower, Cockey and Brown—63.
So the amendment was rejected.
Mr. Dorsey, then moved to amend said amendment as offered
by Mr. Fiery, by striking out in the 10th line the word "six," and
inserting in lieu thereof "seven;"
Mr. Tuck, rose to the following point of order, that the Con
vention having refused to strike out "three-fourths, and insert
"onehaif," it was not competent to offer an amendment which,
in effect, was substantially the same by changing the ratio.
The President ruled the amendment to be out of order.
The question again recurred upon the adoption of the amend
ment as offered by Mr. Fiery.
On the question being put,
"Will the Convention adopt said amendment?"
Mr. Tuck, moved the question be taken by yeas and nays, and
being ordered, appeared as follows;
AFFIRMATIVE.—Messrs. Howard, Buchanan, Bell, Welch,
Chandler, Ridgely, Lloyd, Coiston, Constable, Chambers, of Cecil,
Miller, McLane, Spencer, Grason, George, Wright, Thomas,
Shriver, Johnson, Gaither, Biser, Annan, McHenry, Magraw,
Nelson, Thawley, Stewart, of Caroline, Hardcastle, Stewart of
Balt, city, Sherwood, of Balt, city, Presstman, Ware, Fiery,
John Newcomer, Harbine, Michael Newcomer, Brewer, Ander
son, Weber, Hollyday, Slicer, Fitzpatrick, Parke, Shower,
Cockey and Brown—46.
NEGATIVE—Messrs. Chapman, Pres't, Morgan, Blakistone,
Dent, Hopewell, Ricaud, Lee, Chambers, of Kent, Mitchell,
Donaldson, Dorsey, Wells, Randall Kent, Sellman, Weems,
Dalrymple, Bond, Sollers, Brent, of Charles, Merrick, Jenifer,
John Dennis, James U. Dennis, Crisfield, Williams, Hicks,
Goldsborough, Eccieston, Phelps, Bowie, Tuck, Sprigg, McCubbin,
Bowling, Dirickson, McMaster, Hearn, Fooks, Jacobs, Sapping-
ton, Stephenson, Gwinn, Brent of Balt. city, Kilgour, Waters
and Smith—47.
So the amendment was rejected.