Mr. Merrick, then offered as a substitute for said amendment
as offered by Mr. Fiery, the following
"The House of Delegates shall consist of members to be ap
portioned to the several counties of the State and the city of Bal-
timore, according to the following rule, that is to say: Each of said
counties and the city aforesaid, shall elect one delegate for every
four thousand souls it may contain up to twenty thousand, and
for any excess in the number of population in any of said coun
ties or in the city of Baltimore above twenty thousand, and of not
less than eight thousand. there shall be allowed to each county or
city having such excess, one additional delegate; and for any excess
of population in any of the counties or city aforesaid, above twen
ty-eight thousand,and of not less than sixteen thousand, one other
additional delegate shall be allowed to each of the counties or to
the city having such excess; and so on, duplicating the number of
souls required to be in excess, above the last number upon which
an additional delegate was allowed, for the allowance of each fur
ther additional delegate, to which by such duplicating ratio, any
of the counties or the city of Baltimore, may be entitled for the
whole number of its population; provided that no county shall
have less than three delegates, nor shall any county or city have
more than ten delegates. By which rule, and until otherwise ap
portioned by the Legislature as hereinafter provided, the number of
delegates from each of the counties and the city of Baltimore,
shall be as follows :—Allegany county shall elect five; Anne
Arundel county shall elect five; Howard county three; Baltimore
county six-; Carroll county five; Caroline county three; Calvert
count.y three; Cecil county four; Charles county four; Dorchesjer
county four; Frederick county six; Harford county four; Kent coun
ty three; Montgomery county four; Prince George's county five;
Queen Anne's county three; Saint Mary's county three; Somerset
county five; Talbot county three; Washington county six; Worces
ler county four; and the city of Baltimore ten. And the Legislature
shall in future at their first regular session after the authoritative
promulgation of each decenial census of the people of the United
States, re-apportion the representatives in the House of Delegates
according to the above rules, and the then state of the population
in the several counties and the city of Baltimore.''
Which was read.
Mr. Merrick, moved the question be taken by eas and nays,
and being ordered, appeared as follows
AFFIRMATIVE —Messrs. C hapman, Pres't, Morgan, Blakistone,
Dent, Hopewell, Ricaud, Lee, Chambers, of Kent, Mitchell,
i)orsey, Randall, Kent, Sellman, Weems, Dalrymple, Bond,
Brent of Charles, Merrick, Jenifer, John Dennis, James U. Den
nis, Crisfield, Williams, Hicks, Goldsborough, Eccleston, Bowie,
Tuck Sprigg, McCubbin, Bowling, Jacobs, Kilgour and Wa
NEGATIVE Messrs. Donaldson, Wells, Howard, Buchanan,