Mr. Solleis, moved the question be taken by yeas and nays,
and being otdered, appeared as follows:
AFFIRMATIVE.—Messrs. Chapman, Pres't, Morgan, Blakistone,
Dent, Hopewell, Ricaud, Lee, Chambers, of Kent, Mitchell,
Wells, Kent, Weems, Dalrymple, Bond, Sollers, John Dennis,
James U. Dennis, Crisfield, Williams, Hicks, Goldsborough,
Eccleston, Phelps, Bowie, Sprigg, McCubbin, Bowling, Dirickson,
McMaster, Hearn, Fooks, Jacobs, Kilgour and Waters—34.
NEGATIVE—Messrs. Donaldson, Dorsey, Randall, Sellman,
Brent, of Charles, Merrick, Jenifer, Howard, Buchanan, Bell,
Welch, Chandler, Ridgely, Lloyd, Colston, Chambers, of Cecil,
Miller, McLane, Spencer, Grason, George, Wright, Thomas,
Johnson, Shriver, Gaither, Biser, Annan, Sappington, Stephen
son, MeHenry, Magraw, Nelson, Thawley, Stewart, of Caroline,
Hardcastle, Gwinn, Stewart, of Baltimore city, Brent, of Balt.
city, Sherwood, of Balt, city, Presstman, Ware, Fiery, Harbine,
Michael Newcomer, Brewer, A nderson, Weber, Hollyday, Slicer,
Fitzpatrick, Smith, Parke, Shower and Cockey—55.
So the Convention refused to accept the substitute.
The question again recurred upon the adoption of the amend
ment as offered by Mr. Fiery, on the 21st inst., on page 471 of
the Journal.
Mr. Brent, of Charles, moved to amend said amendment by
striking out from the words United States," in the 4th line these
words "which shall be determined by adding to the whole nurn
ber of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of
years, three-fifths of the slaves, and;''
Mr. Merrick, moved the question he taken by yeas and nays,
and being ordered, appeared as follows:
AFFIRMATIVE—Messrs. C hapman. Pres't, Morgan, Blakistone,
Dent, Hopewell, Ricaud, Lee, Chambers, of Kent, Donald-
son, Dorsey, Wells, Randall, Kent, Sellman, Weems, Dalrymple,
Bond, Brent, of Charles, Merrick, Jenifer, John Dennis, James
U. Dennis, Crisfield, Williams, Hicks, Goldsborough, Eccleston,
Phelps, Bowie, Tuck, Sprigg, McCubbin, Bowling, Dirickson,
McMaster, Beam, Fooks, Jacobs, Kilgour and Waters—40.
NEGATIVE—Messrs. Howard, Buchanan, Bell, Welch, Chand
ler, Ridgely, Lloyd, Colston, Constable, Chambers, of Cecil,
Millet, McLane, Spencer, Grason, George, Wright, Thomas,
Shriver, Johnson, Gaither, Biser, Annan, Sappington, Stephenson,
McHenry, Magraw, Nelson, Thawley, Stewart, of Caroline,
Hardcastle, Gwinn, Stewart, of Balt. city, Brent, of Balt, city,
Sherwood, of Balt. city, Presstman, Ware, Fiery, John New
comer, Harbi ne, Michael Newcomer, Brewer, Anderson, Weber,
Hollyday, Slicer, Fitzpatrick, Smith, Parke, Shower, Cockey
and Brown—51.
So the amendment was rejected.