Chandler, Ridgely, Lloyd, Colst on, Constable, Chambers, of
Cecil, Miller, McLane, Tuck, Bowling, Spencer, Grason, George,
Wright, Thomas, Shriver, Gait her, Biser, A nnan, Sappington,
Stephenson, McHenry, Nelson, Thawley, Stewart, of Caroline,
Hardcastle, Gwinn, Stewart, of Baltimore city, Sherwood, of
Balt. city, Presstman, Ware, John Newcomer, Harbine, M ichael
Newcomer, Kilgour, Brewer, Weber, Slicer, Fitzpatrick, Parke,
Shower, Cockey and Brown—53.
So the Convention refused to adjourn.
On motion of Mr. Hicks,
The Convention was called.
On motion of Mr. John Newcomer,
Further proceedings under the call was dispensed with.
At 4 o'clock, P. M.,
Mr. Blakistone renewed the motion to adjourn;
Mr. Stewart, of Balt. city, moved the question be taken by yeas
and nays, and being ordered, appeared as follows
AFFIRMATIVE—Messrs. C hapman, Pres't, Blakistone, Dent,
Ricaud, Lee, Chambers, of Kent, Mitchell, Dorsey, Wells,
Randall, Kent, Weems, Dalrymple, Bond, Brent, of Charles,
Bell, John Dennis, James U. Dennis, Crisfield, Williams, Hicks,
Golcisborough, Eccleston, Phelps, Bowie, Tuck, Sprigg, Mc
Cubbin, Bowling, Dirickson, McMaster, Hearn, Fooks, Johnson,
Waters, Anderson and Smith—37.
NEGATIVE—Messrs. Hopewell, Donaldson, Sellman, Merrick,
Howard, B ucha nan, Welch, R idgely, Lloyd, Colston, Constable,
Chambers, of Cecil, Miller, McLane, Spencer, Grason, George,
Wright, Thomas, Shriver, Gaither, Biser, A nnan , Sappington, Ste—
phenson, McHenry, Nelson, Thawley, Stewart, of Caroline, Hard-
castle, Stewar t, of Balt. city, Brent, of Balt, city, Presstman,
Ware, Fiery, John Newcomer, Harbine, Michael Newcomer,
Kilgour, Weber, Hollyday, Slicer, Fitzpatrick, Parke, Shower
and Cockey—46.
So time Convention refused to adjourn.
Mr. Mitchell, moved a call of the House, and being ordered;
Mr. Blakistone, at 10 minutes past 4 o'clock, P. M., moved the
Convention adjourn;
Mr. Thomas, moved the question be taken by yeas and nays,
and being ordered, appeared as follows:
AFFIRMATIVE. —Messrs. Chapman, Pres ‘t, Blakistone, Rope
well, Ricaud, Lee, C ham bers, of Kent, Mi chel l, Dorsey, Wells,
Randall Kent, Dalryrmple, Brent, of Charles, John Dennis,
James U. Dennis, Cr isfield, W illiams, Hicks, Goldsborough,
Phelps, Bowie, Sprigg, McC ubbin, Bowling, Dirickson, McMaster,
Hearn, Fooks, Johnson, Waters and Smith—31.
NEGATIVE—Messrs. Donaldson, Sellman, Merrick, Howard,
Buchanan, Bell, Welch, Chandler, Ridgely, Lloyd, Colston,