Mr. Sollers withdrew his motion to proceed to the election of a
President by ballot, and offered the following resolution as a sub
stitute for the resolution of Mr. Jenifer:
Resolved, That a committee of six, composed of three Whigs
and three Democrats, be appointed by the Chair, for the purpose
of considering and reporting to this body some plan for the organi
zation of the Convention.
Mr. Tuck moved to lay both the resolutions on the table.
Mr. Kilgour moved that the vote on the motion to lay on the
table be taken by yeas and nays;
Determined in the negative.
The vote recurring on the motion to lay on the table was
Determined in the affirmative.
Mr. Buchanan moved that the House proceed to vote for a Pre
Mr. Sollers moved as a substitute, that the House proceed to
ballot for a President.
Mr. Brown offered the following resolution
Resolved, That the rules of the last House of Delegates, except
the rule to elect officers by ballot, be adopted us the rules of this
Convent ion until otherwise ordered.
Mr. Constable moved to lay the motion of Mr. Buchanan, and
the substitute of Mr. Sollers, and the order of Mr. Brown on the
Determined in the affirmative.
Mr. Constable moved that the Convention do now proceed to
vote for a Piesident;
Determined in the affirmative.
The Convention proceeded to vote for a President, when the
Tellers reported the following result:
Morgan Bond McCubbin
Blakistone Sollers Dirickson
Dent Brent, of Charles, McMaster
Hopewell Dennis, John Hearn
Ricaud Dennis, James U. Fooks
Lee Dash iell Jacobs
Chambers, of Kent, Williams Schley
Mitchell Hicks Fiery
Donaldson Hodson Neill
Dorsey Goldsborough Newcomer, John
Wells Eccleston Kilgour
Randall Phelps Davis
Kent Bowie Smith
Weems Tuck Cockey—44
Dalrymple Sprigg