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Proceedings and Debates of the 1850 Constitutional Convention
Volume 101, Page 24   View pdf image
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On motion of Mr. Jenifer,
The preamble and resolution was laid on the table.
Mr. Stewart, of Baltimore city, moved that the Convention do
now take a recess until half past three o'clock, P. M.
Determined in the affirmative.
Whereupon the Convention took a recess until 3½ o'clock.

3½ O'CLOCK, P. M.

The Convention re-assembled.
Mr. Spencer moved to take a recess until six o'clock.
Mr. Donaldson moved to adjourn until 12 o'clock Monday.
Mr. Phelps moved to take a recess until 7 o'clock.
The Vote was taken on the motion of Mr. Donaldson, and
Determined in the negative.
The vote was taken on the motion of Mr. Phelps, and
Determined in the negative.
The vote recurred on the motion of Mr. Spencer, and
Determined in the affirmative.
Whereupon the Convention took a recess until 6 o'clock, P. M.

6 O'CLOCK, P. M.
The Convention re-assembled.
On motion of Mr. Morgan,
The Convention adjourned to Monday, 12 o'clock,

MONDAY, November 11th, 1850.

The Convention re-assembled pursuant to adjournment.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Griffith.
All the members present as on Saturday.
The minutes of Saturday were read and approved.
Mr. Sollers moved that the Convention do now proceed to elect
a President by ballot.
Mr. Jenifer offered the following resolution as a substitute for
the motion of Mr. Sollers:

Resolved, That the names of John G. Chapman and Benjamin
C. Howard be withdrawn, and that the House proceed to the
election of a President without nomination, and without regard to
political parties.


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Proceedings and Debates of the 1850 Constitutional Convention
Volume 101, Page 24   View pdf image
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