THURSDAY, January 9th, 1851.
The Convention met, (a quorum being present.)
Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Griffith.
The Proceedings of yesterday were read.
Mr. Grason, chairman of the committee on the Executive De
partment, submitted a report;
Which was read, and
On motion of Mr. Grason,
Ordered to be printed and made the order of the day for.Tues
day next, 14th inst.
On motion of Mr. Michael Newcomer, it was
Resolved, That the committee on Inspections inquire into the
expedieney,of so reporting that the Governor shall annually ap
point all the Inspectors in this State except the General Inspector
of flour, who he shall appoint for three years, to be confirmed by
the Senate if in session, if not at its first session thereafter;
the General inspector, to have the right to suspend any Inspector
for neglect of duty, and to reinstate him, or appoint another for
the time being, and to regulate the inspections for the convenience
of the dealers in the city of Baltimore.
The President laid before the Convention, a report from the
clerk of the Court of Appeals for the Eastern Shore, in obedi
ence to the order of the Convention, in relation to the number of
cases argued and decided in said Court during the years 1815,-16,-
‘17,'18, ‘19 and 1820, &c.,
Which was read and referred to the committee on the Judiciary.
Mr. Stewart, of Baltimore city, chairman of the committee on
Printing, moved that said committee on Printing have leave to sit
during the session of the Convention, in reference to the employ
ment of a reporter to report the debates of the Convention.
After debate thereon,
The President announced that the hour had arrived for taking
up the order of the day.
Mr. Jenifer, moved to postpone the consideration of the order
of the day.
Determined in the affirmative.
The question then recurred upon the motion of Mr. Stewart, of
Baltimore city.
Mr. Chambers, of Kent, offered as a substitute for said motion
the following:
Ordered, That the committee on Printing have leave to retire
and complete the contract with the Reporter, which the chairman
has stated they are prepared to conclude, reserving to the Con
vention the power to rescind the contract, if the character of the
reports shall not be such as the Convention approves.
Which was read.
Mr. Stewart, of Baltimore city, accepted said substitute.
The question then recurred and was put on the adoption of
the order, and
Determined in the affirmative.