Mr. Chandler, submitted the following resolution
Which was twice read and adopted.
Resolved, That committee No. 14, inquire into the expedien
cy of adding the following section to the constitution, viz any
person who shall after the adoption of the constitution fight a
duel, or knowingly be the bearer of a challenge to fight a duel, or
send, or accept a challenge for that purpose, or be an aider or abetter
in fighting a duel, shall he disqualified from holding any office of
honor or trust in this State, and forever deprived of the right of
suffrage; and that the killing of any person in a duel, or the
aiding and abetting the same, shall be murder in the first degree,
and the estate of the survivor, shall be responsible for compensa
tion to the wife and children of the slain.
On motion of Mr. Thomas, it was
Ordered, That the Secretary have prepared for the use of this
Convention, a map showing the boundaries of the several coun
ties of this State, of Howard district, and of the city of Baltimore,
the boundaries of the several election districts of the several coun
ties of this State and of Howard district, and the boundaries of
the several wards of the city of Baltimore, with tabular statements
showing the number of whites, free black and slave population of
the several counties of this State, of Howard district, and of the
city of Baltimore, and the number of the white, free black and
slave population, of the several election districts of the several
counties of the State, and the several election districts of Howard
district, and of the several wards of the city of Baltimore.
The hour having arrived for taking up the order of the day,
the Convention proceeded to consider the report submitted by
Mr. Chambers, of Kent, on the 13th ultimo, as chairman of the
committee on the Elective Franchise.
The question pending before the Convention, being upon the
motion of Mr. Brown, to amend the first section by striking out in
the 2nd line thereof, the words "for thirty days."
On the question being put,
"Will the Convention adopt said amendment?" it was
Determined in the affirmative.
Mr. Chambers, of Kent, then moved to amend said 1st section,
by substituting in lieu of the words just stricken out, the words
"for six months."
Pending the question upon this amendment,
At 3 o'clock, P. M.,
Mr. Gwinn, moved that the Convention adjourn;
Which motion he waived, to enable Mr. Morgan to give nOtice
that on to-morrow he should move a reconsideration of the Vote of
the Convention of the 6th inst., directing the printing of five thou
sand copies of the address of the Governor.
The Convention then adjourned until to morrow morning 11