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Proceedings and Debates of the 1850 Constitutional Convention
Volume 101, Page 17   View pdf image
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Clergy of the city, and requested their alternate attendance upon
the Convention, for the purpose of opening its session with prayer.
Mr. Blakistone moved that the Convention do now proceed to
the election of a President.
Determined in the affirmative.
The Chairman called Mr. Sprigg to the Chair.
Mr. Johnson rose and withdrew his name from nomination as
President of the Convention.
The Convention then proceeded to vote for a President, when
the Tellers reported the following result:
Morgan Brent, of Charles, Bowling
Blakistone Merrick Dirickson
Dent Jenifer McMaster
Hopewell Dennis, John Hearn
Ricaud Dennis, James U. Fooks
Lee Dashiell Jacobs
Chambers, of Kent, Williams Schley
Mitchell Hicks Fiery
Donaldson Hodson Neill
Dorsey Goldsborough Newcomer, John
Wells Eccieston Kilgour
Randall Phelps Davis
Kent Bowie Waters
Weems Tuck Smith
Daltymple Sprigg Ege
Bond McCubbin Cockey—49.

Sellman George Stewart, of Balt. city,
Buchanan Wright Brent,Bell Thomas Sherwood,
" "Welsh Shriver Presstman

Chandler Biser Ware

Ridgely Annan Harbinë

Lloyd Sappington Newcomer, MichaelDickinson Stephenson Brewer

Sherwood, of Talbot, McHenry Anderson
Coiston Magraw Weber

Constable Nelson HollydayChambers, of
Cecil, Gaiter
McCullough Thawley Fitzpatrick
Mifler Stewart, of Caroline, Parke
McLane Hardcastle Shower

SpencerGwinnBrown— 48.


Johnson Gaither—2.

And that no majority appearing no election was had.
The Convention proceeded again to vote, when the Tellers re
ported the following result:



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Proceedings and Debates of the 1850 Constitutional Convention
Volume 101, Page 17   View pdf image
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