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Proceedings and Debates of the 1850 Constitutional Convention
Volume 101, Page 16   View pdf image
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Lloyd Sappington Ege
Dickinson Stephenson Cockey
Sherwood of Talbot McHenry Parke
Colston Magraw Shower
Dennis, Joh n Nelson Brown—84.
Dennis, James U.
Messrs. Morgan Goldsborough Fooks
Dalrymple Phelps Annan
Bond Bowie Harbine
Jenifer Sprigg Newcomer, Michael
Hicks Bowling Brewer—15
Mr. Ridgely, of Baltimore county, moved that the Convention
now adjourn until to-morrow at 12 o'clock.
Mr. Bowie, of Prince George's, called the yeas and nays;
And the question being,
"Will the house now direct the yeas and nays to be taken on
the vote upon the motion to adjourn?"
Which was resolved in the negative.
The question recurred on the motion to adjourn;
Which was agreed to.
And the Convention adjourned until to-morrow at 12 o'clock.

FRIDAY, November 8th, 1850.

The Convention re-assembled pursuant to adjournment.
Prayer by the Reverend Alfred Griffith.
The roll being called by the Secretary, all the delegates were
present except Mr. Crisfield of Somerset.
The minutes were read and corrected by adding the name of
Mr. Davis, of Montgomery, in the affirmative on the motion of
Mr. Chambers, of Kent, to lay the motion of Mr. Jenifer, to ad
journ sine die, on the table.
Mr. Brown, of Carroll, moved that an additional Secretary be
appointed for the Convention, and that Mr. Ricaud, of Kent, be
Invited to act as such.
Mr. Merrick, of Charles, moved to amend the motion by autho-
rising the President, pro tem., to appoint two clerks to assist the Se
cretary and Tellers;
Which was not agreed to.
The question recurred on the motion of Mr. Brown, of Carroll;
Which was agreed to.
Mr. Constable, from the committee appointed under the resolu
tion of yesterday, reported that they had waited upon the Reverend


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Proceedings and Debates of the 1850 Constitutional Convention
Volume 101, Page 16   View pdf image
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