Mr. Jenifer then offered the following resolution:
Resolved, That the committee on Printing be authorised to
employ a competent Printer immediately, to print the debates and
proceedings of this Convention, at a price not exceeding six thou
sand dollars;
Which was read,
Mr. Gwinn, moved to amend said resolution by adding at the
end thereof the following:
"And that the said committee be authorised to receive proposals
and that the said contract be given to tIne lowest competent bidder."
Which was read.
Mr. Phelps, moved to amend said amendment by inserting after
the word "competent," the words "and responsible;"
Determined in the affirmative.
Mr. Stephenson, moved further to amend said amendment by
adding at the end thereof the following:
"And that said contract be reported to this Convention for its
confirmation or rejection ;"
Determined in the negative.
The question then recurred and was put upon the amendment
as offered by Mr. Gwinn, and amended on the motion of Mr.
Phelps, and
Determined in the negative.
The question then recurred upon the adoption of the original
resolution as offered by Mr. Jenifer.
Mr. McMaster, moved to amend said resolution by striking out
"six thousand," and inserting in lieu thereof "five thousand;"
Mr. Brown, moved for a division of the question upon striking
Mr. Jenifer, accepted the amendment to insert "five thousand;"
Mr. Weems, then moved to amend said resolution by striking
out "five thousand," and inserting in lieu thereof "four thousand;"
Mr Jenifer, accepted this amendment.
The question then recurred upon the original resolution as
Mr. Dirickson, offered as a substitute for said resolution the fol
Ord ered, That the committee on Printing be authorised to pro.
cure the printing of the reportitng of the Debates, at a sum not ex
ceeding four thousand dollars;
Mr. Jenifer, accepted the substitute.
The question then recurred upon the adoption of the order.
Mr. Weber, moved to amend said order by striking out the words
"at a sum not exceeding four thousand dollars;"
Determined in the negative.
The question then recurred and was put on the adoption of tine
order, and
Determined in the affirmative.
On motion of Mr. Phelps,
The Convention adjourned until to-morrow morning 11 o'clock