Sprigg, Bowling, Grason, George, Wright, Di rickson, McMaster,
Thomas, McHenry, Magraw, Thawley, Stewart, of Caroline,
Gwinn, Stewart, of Balt. city, Brent, of Balt, city, Pressman,
Ware, Kilgour, Waters, Anderson, Hollyday and Fitzpatrick—50.
NEGATIVE—M essrs. Dorsey, Kent, Bell, Dickinson, Sherwood,
of Talbot, Colston, Crisfield, Dashiell, Williams, Hicks, Eccles
ton, Phelps, McCubbin, Jacobs, Shriver, Gaither, Biser, Sapping-
ton, Stephenson, Nelson, Hardcastle, Schley, Fiery, Neill, John
Newcomer, Har bine, Michael Newcomer, Davis, Brewer, Weber,
Slicer, Smith, Parke, Cockey and Brown—34.
So the Convention reconsideted their vote.
The question then recurred upon the adoption of the resolution,
Mr. Stephenson, moved to amend said resolution by adding at
the end tinereof the following, "for the entire session of this Con
vent ion ;"
Mr. Davis, moved to amend said amendment by adding at the
end thereof the following proviso:
"Provided, said expense is allowed and paid, by the first Legis
lature, that shall assemble after the new Constitution goes into
Determined in the negative.
The question their recurred upon the amendment as offered by
Mr. Stephenson;
Mr. Jenifer, accepted this arrtendment.
The question then recurred upon the resolution as amended.
On motion of Mr. Sollers,
Said resolution was further amended by adding at the end
thereof these words, "from this time."
The question again recurred upon the resolution as amended.
On the question being put on the adoption of said resolution.
Mr. Harbine, moved for the yeas and nays and being ordered
appeared as follows:
AFFIRMATIV E.—-Messrs. Chapman, President, Blakiston e,
Hopewell, Ricaud, Lee, Chambers, of Kent, Mitchell, Wells,
Randall, Sellman, Weems, Dalrymple, Sollets, Merrick, Jennifer,
Buchanan, Welch, Chandler, Lloyd, Hodson, Goldsborough,
Chambers, of Cecil, McCullough, Miller, McLane, Bowie, Tuck,
Sprigg, Bowling, Grason, George, Wright, Dirickson, McMaster,
Thomas, McHenry, Magraw, Thawley, Stewart, of Caroline,
Gwinn, Stewart of Baltimore city, Brent of Baltimore city,
Presstman, Ware, Kilgour, Waters, Anderson, Hollyday and
NEGATIVE.—Messrs. Dorsey, Kent, Bond, Bell, Dickinson,
Sherwood, of Talbot, Colston, Crisfield, Dashiell, Williams,
Hicks, Eccleston, Phelps, McCubbin, Jacobs, Shriver, Gaither,
Biser, Sappington, Stephenson, Nelson, Hardcastle, Schley, Fiery,
Neill, John Newcomer, Harbine, Michael Newcomer, l)avis,
Brewer, Weber, Slicer, Smith, Parke, Cockey and Brown—36.
So the resolution as amended was adopted.