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Proceedings of the Senate, 1799
Volume 99, Page 9   View pdf image (33K)
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VOTES and PROCEEDINGS, November, 1799.            9

accelerate the business of the session; your discriminating these subjects from the case of Mr.
Harford, and refusing to confer on them, appears to us a measure that will involve much delay,
and, we fear, much contrariety of sentiment in the discussion.  Had the senate been pleased to
give their reasons for this discrimination, perhaps their cogency might have produced complete
conviction on our minds, but as you have also omitted this, we shall at present decline any conference,
except on the terms of our former message.  We however cannot forbear to hope, that
upon a reconsideration you will agree with us in opinion, and consent to the conference as
originally proposed.
                                                        By order,                                  W.  HARWOOD, clk.
Which said bills and message were severally read, and the bills ordered to lie on the table.

The house adjourns until to-morrow morning 10 o'clock.

F    R    I    D    A    Y,    November 29, 1799.

    THE senate met.  Present the same members as on yesterday.  The proceedings of yesterday
were read.
    The clerk of the house of delegates delivers to the clerk of the senate a bill, entitled, An act
to alter that part of the constitution and form of government which requires property as a qualification
in voters, thus endorsed; " By the house of delegates, November 13, 1799:  Read the
" first time and ordered to lie on the table.
                                                        " By order,                                W.  HARWOOD, clk.
" By the house of delegates, November 29, 1799:  Read the second time and will pass.
                                                        " By order,                                W.  HARWOOD, clk."
Which was read the first and second time by especial order and will not pass.
    The clerk of the house of delegates delivers to the clerk of the senate a bill, entitled, An act
to change the name of William Taylor, of Montgomery county, thus endorsed; " By the house
" of delegates, November 25, 1799:  Read teh first time and ordered to lie on the table.
                                                        " By order,                                W.  HARWOOD, clk.
" By the house of delegates, November 29, 1799:  Read the second time and will pass.
                                                        " By order,                                W.  HARWOOD, clk."
A bill, entitled, An act authorising the levy court of Caroline county to appoint constables in the
different towns and villages in said county, thus endorsed; " By the house of delegates, November
" 29, 1799:  Read the first and second time by especial order and will pass.
                                                        " By order,                                W.  HARWOOD, clk."
And also the following resolutions:

By the HOUSE of DELEGATES, November 27, 1799.
    RESOLVED, That the chancellor be and he is hereby authorised to inquire into the facts stated
in the petition of William Goodwin, Robert Dorsey and Elizabeth Dorsey, and if they are established
to the satisfaction of the said chancellor, that he be authorised to direct a copy of the
certificate, taken from the books of Lock Weems, formerly surveyor of Anne-Arundel county,
to be received in the western shore land-office, and a patent thereon to issue, to secure the legal
title to the said lands according to the interests of the respective petitioners, provided that such
patent shall not be construed to affect the rights or interests of any other person or persons having
claim to the said land.
                                                        By order,                                  W.  HARWOOD, clk.
By the HOUSE of DELEGATES, November 29, 1799.
    Whereas George Twilly, senior, of Somerset county, by his petition to this general assembly
has set forth, that he is possessed of a certain tract of land called Chance, upon which he has
made certain improvements within the bounds of the courses, as per certificate obtained from
William Steuart, formerly register of the land-office, but that from a late certificate of the courses
of the said tract of land, made out by John Callahan, the now register of the land-office of the
western shore, it appears that the former certificate, by which the said land was resurveyed, was
incorrect, and that in marking and bounding said land, agreeably to the latter certificate, by
virtue of a commission obtained from teh county court of Somerset, a vacancy was discovered,
upon which are the said improvements. but which said vacancy, he, the said Twilly, has
taken up, and for which he is read and willing at all times to pay the caution money, but prays
this general assembly to release him from the payment of seventeen pounds six shillings and nine-pence,
the valuation of the aforementioned improvements; RESOLVED, therefore, That the
charged, upon his paying the caution money on the said vacant land, from the payment of the
aforesaid sum of seventeen pounds six shillings and nine-pence; and the register of the land-office
is hereby ordered and directed to issue a patent of the said land to the said Twilly, upon his complying
as above directed.
                                                        By order,                                  W.  HARWOOD, clk.
Which said bills and resolutions were severally read and ordered to lie on the table.
    The bill, entitled, An act to repeal an act, entitled, An act to prevent the exportation of flour
not merchantable from George-town, in Frederick county, was read the second time and will pass.
    The bill, entitled, An act to prevent the going at large of swine and poultry in the town of
New-Market, in Frederick county, was read the second time and will pass.
    The resolution relative to the land-office of the western shore was read the second time and
assented to.

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Proceedings of the Senate, 1799
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