VOTES and PROCEEDINGS, November, 1799.
returned for Dorchester county, appeared, and after qualifying in the
mode prescribed by the
constitution and form of government, and taking the oath to support the
constitution of the
United States, took their seats in the house.
Petitions from Reuben Allen, Joseph Burneston, John
Deaver, Samuel Foudray and Patrick
Mellion, of the city of Baltimore, Abel Sarjeant, Samuel Selby, 3d, Peter
D'Evecman, William
W. Hoy, of Allegany county, William Smith, Samuel Williams and Joseph
Magruder, of Montgomery
county, praying acts of insolvency, were preferred, read, and referred
to the committee
appointed on petitions of a similar nature.
A petition from sundry inhabitants of the city and county
of Baltimore, praying to be incorporated
for the purpose of protecting and educating female children, was preferred,
read, and
referred to Mr. Johonnot, Mr. Buchanan and Mr. Brown, to consider and report
Mr. Turner, from the committee, brings in and delivers
to the speaker a bill, entitled, An
act to repeal an act, entitled, An act to prevent the exportation of
flour not merchantable from
George-town, in Frederick county; which was read the first time and ordered
to lie on the table.
The speaker laid before the house a letter from Benjamin
Harwood, trustee of the state of
Maryland, enclosing an account current of funded stock to the 31st of October,
1799, and an
account of interest and principal received; which was read, and referred
to Mr. Turner, Mr.
Duckett, Mr. Key, Mr. Taney and Mr. Buchanan, to consider and report thereon.
A petition from George Twilly, senior, of Somerset county,
praying to be released from the
sum of £ 17 6 9, for improvements on a tract of land called Chance,
lying in the said county;
was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Hyland, Mr. Wilkins and Mr.
Cottman, to consider
and report thereon.
A memorial from John Ellicott, and others, of the city
of Baltimore, counter to the petition
of the mayor and city council of the city of Baltimore, was preferred,
read, and referred
to the committee on the petition to which it is counter.
Mr. Carroll has leave of absence till Monday next.
The bill to settle and ascertain the salary of the members
of the council for the ensuing year,
was read the second time, and passed.
A petition from James Selby, of Worcester county, stating,
that the orphans court of said
county have violated the law, by refusing to appoint him guardian to his
daughter, an infant, and
appointing another person, and praying that the same may be inquired into,
was preferred, read,
and referred to the committee on the petition to which it is counter.
A petition from the mayor, recorder, aldermen and common
council, of the corporation of
George-town, praying that an act may pass authorising the common law fines,
collected under
judgments given by the court of the corporation, to be applied, under the
direction of the corporation
court, to discharge in the first place the costs and charges incurred by,
and chargeable
to, the said corporation, for the prosecution of common law offences, and
the overplus only to
be paid into the public treasury; also that an act may pass to vest the
county wharf in the corporation
of George-town; also that an act may pass vesting in the court of the corporation
George-town the sole and exclusive power of granting licenses for keeping
ordinaries and retailing
liquors within the precincts and jurisdiction of the said corporation;
also that an act may pass
to grant to the corporation of George-town the monies arising from such
licenses, to be applied
and laid out in improving the streets of George-town, and defrayng the
other necessary expences
of the corporation thereof; and lastly, that an act may pass directing
the book which contains
the original plan of George-town aforesaid to be removed from the office
of the clerk of Montgomery
county, and deposited for safe keeping with the clerk of the corporation
of George-town,
was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Magruder, Mr. Turner and Mr. Key,
to consider and
report thereon.
On motion, ORDERED, That Mr. Quynn inform the reverend
Mr. Wyatt, that the house request
he will perform divine service every morning at the meeting of the house.
On motion, the question was put, That the house
reconsider the following question, viz. " That
the report of the committee, so far as relates to Washington county, be
postponed till Friday
next, the delegates wishing to be heard by counsel at the bar in support
of the return of the sheriff?"
Resolved in the affirmative.
On motion, RESOLVED, That the delegates of Washington
county be heard by counsel at the
bar of the house on to-morrow morning in support of the return of the sheriff.
The speaker laid before the house a letter from his
excellency the governor, with sundry enclosures;
which were read, and referred to Mr. Key, Mr. Purnell, Mr. Duckett, Mr.
Mr. Cottman, Mr. Perry and Mr. Bond, to consider and report thereon.
The report on the petition of sundry inhabitants of
Taney-town was read the second time,
and the question put, That the house concur therewith? Determined
in the negative.
A petition from Tristram Dalton, of the city of Washington,
praying an act of insolvency,
was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Turner, Mr. Duckett and Mr. Brome,
to consider and
report thereon.
The house adjourns till to-morrow morning 9 o'clock.
D A Y, November 12,
THE house met. Present the same members as
on yesterday, except Mr. Carroll. The proceedings
of yesterday were read. Mr. Robert Greenwell, a delegate returned
for Saint-Mary's