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Proceedings of the House of Delegates, 1799
Volume 98, Page 31   View pdf image (33K)
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VOTES and PROCEEDINGS, November, 1799.            31

part of that seminary has been properly applied.  Your committee further report, that the number
of scholars at said school, on the second of November, seventeen hundred and ninety-nine,
was forty-six, as appears by the certificate of Henry L. Davis, one of the professors in said school.
The committee feel a pleasure in being able to assure the house, that from the very eligible situation
of Charlotte-Hall, the moderate terms upon which  board may be obtained, the known talents
of the professors, and the attention and activity of the trustees, that school continues to merit
the patronage of the legislature, and bids fair to be one of the most flourishing seminaries of learning
in this state.
                                                        By order,                                        S.  MAYNARD, clk.
Which was read.
    Mr. Mason, from the committee, brings in and delivers to the speaker the supplement to the
act, entitled, An act relating to the public roads in Caroline county, as amended; which was
read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
    The bill for the relief of Robert Elliott, of Talbot county, was read the second time, passed,
and sent to the senate by the clerk.
    A memorial from William Kilty, of the city of Annapolis, guardian to the children of the
late John Rogers, praying an act may pass authorising the sale of the real estate of the deceased,
was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Harwood, Mr. Duckett and Mr. Hall, to consider and
report thereon.
    A petition from the trustees of Allegany county school, praying a further bounty from the
state, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Rice, Mr. Perry and Mr. Orrell, to consider
and report thereon.
    On motion, the question was put, That leave be given to bring in a bill to appoint an agent
for the year one thousand eight hundred?  Resolved in the affirmative.
    ORDERED, That Mr. Key, Mr. McPherson and Mr. Turner, be a committee to prepare and
bring in the same.
    Mr. Duckett, from the committee, brings in and delivers to the speaker the following report:
    THE committee to whom was referred the report of the visitors and directors of Frederick
academy report, that it appears to your committee, that the said visitors and directors have fully
complied with the provisions of the act, entitled, An act for the promotion of literature within
this state; that they have drawn from the treasury the sum of eight hundred dollars, granted as
a donation to said academy by the act aforesaid, and have expended in completing the academy,
and providing necessary desks for its different departments, the whole of said sum, except eighty-eight
dollars and sixty-six cents, which is still in hand; that the said visitors and directors, in
conformity to the directions of the act aforesaid, have returned a catalogue of the students in
the said academy, specifying their respective names and places of residence, by which it appears,
that there are fifty-seven students in the classical department, twenty-eight in the more advanced
English and mathematical school, and thirty-five in the introductory English school, amounting
in the whole to the number of one hundred and twenty students in said academy.
    Your committee would here remark, that from this flattering statement alone it might reasonably
be concluded, that effects extensively beneficial to the community must result from an academy,
as late in its infancy, and every expectation gratified that could have been contemplated by
the legislature in making the donation aforesaid; but from the well established characters of the
principal and tutors in said academy, and the attention of the visitors and directors in the management
of the same, your committee are lead to conclude, that Frederick academy, aided by the
fostering hand of the legislature, will be rivalled in usefulness by no seminary in this state.
                                                        By order,                                        J. F.  HARRIS, clk.
Which was read.
    Mr. Turner, from the committee, brings in and delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An act
to appoint an agent for the year one thousand eight hundred; which was read the first time and
ordered to lie on the table.
    ORDERED, That the said bill have a second reading on Friday the 13h of December next.

The house adjourns till to-morrow morning 9 o'clock.

W    E    D    N    E    S    D    A    Y,    November 27, 1799.

    THE house met.  Present the same members as on yesterday, except Mr. Barber.  The proceedings
of yesterday were read.
    A petition from William Goodwin, Robert Dorsey and Elizabeth Dorsey, of Baltimore county,
praying the chancellor may be authorised to receive a certificate made out by Lock Weems, formerly
a deputy-surveyor of Anne-Arundel county, and returned to the land-office, but has been
lost or mislaid, for a tract of land called The Truth Discovery, which certificate was dated the
24th July, 1758, on a warrant granted to Caleb Dorsey, Alexander Lawson and Edward Dorsey,
and that patent may issue for the said land, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Key, Mr.
Buchanan and Mr. Barroll, to consider and report thereon.
    Petitions from Jonathan Browning, junior, of Montgomery county, Thomas Y. Sprogell, of
the city of Washington, praying acts of insolvency, were preferred, read, and referred to the
committee appointed on petitions of a similar nature.
    On motion, ORDERED, That the bill to lay off and open a certain public road in Talbot county,
be committed for amendment.


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Proceedings of the House of Delegates, 1799
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