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Proceedings of the House of Delegates, 1799
Volume 98, Page 18   View pdf image (33K)
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18            VOTES and PROCEEDINGS, November, 1799.

Kilty, Thomas Buchanan, Arthur Shaaff, Jonathan R. Wilmer, John Davidson, James
Thomas, John Johnson, John B. Onion, John Gibson, Thomas Whittington, James Brice and
Richard A. Contee, are put in nomination by this house.  We have appointed Mr. Philip B.
Key and Mr. Charles Frazier, in conjunction with such gentlemen as shall be nominated by you,
to examine the ballots.
                                                    By order,                                    W.   HARWOOD, clk.
    The house having qualified agreeably to the constitution and form of government, proceeded
to the choice of a governor, and the ballots being deposited in the ballot box, the gentlemen
named to strike retired, and after some time returned and reported, that Benjamin Ogle, Esquire,
was elected.
    Whereupon RESOLVED, That Benjamin Ogle, Esquire, be, and he is hereby declared to be
governor of Maryland.
    Mr. Key, from the committee, brings in and delivers to the speaker the following report:
    THE committee appointed to tax the fees and allowances on the memorial exhibited by Lawrence
Oneale, of Montgomery county, against the constitutionality of the late election of said
county, report, that in obedience to the order of the house they have proceeded to tax the said
fees and allowances, to wit.
        To the clerk of the house of delegates, for issuing twelve subpœnas for witnesses,
            at 3f.
        To the sergeant at arms, for serving eleven subpœnas,
        To Benjamin W. Jones, for one day attendance and four days itinerant charges,
            at 18f9,
        To John L. Summers, for same,
        To Josias H. McPherson, for same,
        To Thomas Cramphin, for same,
        To Daniel Reintzel, for same,
        To Thomas West, for same,
        To Joseph West, for same,
        To Lawrence Holt, for same,

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4  13  9
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4  13  9
4  13  9
4  13  9
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£.  40  19  6

    Your committee are of opinion that the above costs and allowances ought to be paid by Lawrence
Oneale, on demand,
    All of which is submitted to the house.
                                                            By order,                                    J. F.  HARRIS, clk.
Which was read.
    The clerk of the senate delivers the following messages:

By the SENATE, November 18, 1799.
    THE joint committee of both houses having reported that the honourable Benjamin Ogle,
Esquire, is elected governor, we think proper to notify the same to him, and request his attendance
in the senate room to qualify agreeably to law, and have appointed Charles Ridgely, of
Hampton, and William Hindman, Esquires, to join any members of your house for that purpose.
                                                            By order,                                    A.  VAN-HORN, clk.
By the SENATE, November 18, 1799.
    WE agree to proceed to the election of a council to the governor at the time mentioned in
your message.  David McMechen and William Hindman, Esquires, are appointed by this house
to join the gentlemen mentioned by you in the examination of the ballots.  No gentleman is put
in nomination by this house in addition to those proposed by you.
                                                            By order,                                    A.  VAN-HORN, clk.
    Which were read.
And a letter from John Callahan, register of the land-office, enclosing an account of taxes received
for one year, endorsed; " By the senate, November 18, 1799:  Read and referred to the
" consideration of the house of delegates.
                                                            " By order,                                  A.  VAN-HORN, clk."
Which was read
    ORDERED, That Mr. McPherson, Mr. Turner and Mr. Hall, be a committee to consider and
report thereon.
    The following message being prepared, was sent to the senate by the clerk.
By the HOUSE of DELEGATES, November 18, 1799.
    WE have appointed Mr. Allen B. Duckett and Mr. Philip Thomas to join the gentlemen
named by you to wait on the governor elect for the purpose of requesting his attendance in the
senate room to qualify agreeably to the constitution and form of government of this state.
                                                            By order,                                    W.  HARWOOD, clk.
    Mr. S. Frazier, from the committee, brings in and delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled, An
act to compel the clerk of Dorchester county court to make out a list of fees due the crier of said
court; which was read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.

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Proceedings of the House of Delegates, 1799
Volume 98, Page 18   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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