Article eight of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland,
title1 'Cecil County," sub-title "Circuit Court," to follow Sec-
tion one hundred and three, to be designated Section 103A, and
to read as follows:
103A. On the return of an original writ not executed in
the Circuit Court for Cecil County the same may be renewed
returnable to the next return day thereafter, and after two
returns of any original writ not executed at the two succeed-
ing return days after the writ is first issued, the same shall
Cecil County
Circuit Court,
be permitted to lie dormant, renewable only on the written
order of the plaintiff or his attorney, of record to such future
return day as the said plaintiff or his attorney may elect, and
upon a further return if not executed, said writ shall be again
permitted to lie, renewable only as aforesaid; the said plain-
tiff or his attorney having the right to renew said writ to as
many subsequent return days under the same mode of pro-
cedure as may be deemed proper until the same is executed.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 20, 1900.
AN ACT to add to the powers of the Mayor and Council of
the Town of Takoma Park, Maryland, and form a com-
ponent part of the Charter of said town.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the following sections be and are hereby added to
the Charter of the Town of Takoma Park, Maryland, to be
known as Sections 40A, 408, 40C, 40D, 40E, 40F, 40G and
Takoma Park.
4oA. That the Mayor and Council of the Town of Takoma
Park are authorized and empowered, whenever in their judg-
ment the public health, safety or comfort require it, or when-
ever application shall be made therefor, accompanied by a
deposit equal to one-half the estimated cost of the work, and
the funds of the Town of Takoma Park will permit, to
improve and repair alleys and sidewalks, and to construct
sewers and sidewalks, gutters and kerbing and lay water-
mains in the Town of Takoma Park of such form and
materials as they may determine, and to pay the cost of
such work as hereinafter provided.
Authority to
improve and