as such policemen, out of the fund in the hands of said Board
of Police Commissioners, known and accounted for as the
special fund, the names as above stated per week for and
during the terms of their respective lives, under and by author-
ity of an Act of the General Assembly of Maryland, Chap-
ter four hundred and fifty-nine, Laws of Maryland, eighteen
hundred and eighty-six, entitled an Act to define a fund of
money now in the hands, or which under existing laws may
come into the hands, of said Board of Police Commissioners
for the City of Baltimore, and to provide for its application,
approved April 7, 1886.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7, 1900.
AN ACT to incorporate the Southern Mutual Life Insurance
Company of Baltimore City.
Mutual I,ife
Insurance Co.
of Balto. City.
Manner of
doing business
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Benjamin F. Simons, C. Harry Pardee, Frederick
Graefe, Judson H. Sencindiver and Richard A. Parley, all of
Baltimore City, State of Maryland, and their successors, and
all who may hereafter become members of the corporation to
be created by this Act, are hereby created and declared to be
a body politic and corporate by the name, style and title of
"The Southern Mutual Life Insurance Company of Baltimore
City," and by the same name shall have succession and shall
be able to sue and be sued, plead and implead, answer
and defend, and be answered and defended, in all courts of
law and equity in this State or elsewhere; to have its principal
office in Baltimore City, this State; to have, make and use a
common seal, and the same to break, alter and renew at their
pleasure; and shall have full power and authority to make
insurance on the lives of persons; to insure individuals against
accidents; to insure the health of individuals; to grant, pur-
chase, dispose of annuities; to provide for the keeping and
investment of funds or assets that may become the propery of
the company, and generally to transact, execute and perform
all such business as may appertain to a life insurance company
not contrary to this Act or the Constitution and laws of this
State, or of the United States.