in such service, and provided, further,, that any person shall
have the right to donate to the town their services whenever
they see proper to do so.
Officers shall
make oath.
SEC. 8. Be it enacted, That all officers of this incorpora-
tion before entering upon their duties shall subscribe to an
oath to faithfully perform said duties, and a copy of the same
shall be filed with the Commissioners.
Power to
assess and
collect tax
necessary for
expenses, etc.
SEC. 9. Be it enacted, That the Commissioners shall have
full power to assess and collect an equal tax on all the prop-
erty in said town, both real and personal, to such an amount
as may be required to pay the legitimate expenses of the in-
corporation, and to appoint persons to assess and collect the
same, fix their bond, remuneration and term of office; and
the said collectors shall have the same power to enforce col-
lection by distraint and other process as the regular county
collectors have under the laws of the State; provided, such
tax shall not exceed thirty cents on the one hundred dollars
of taxable property for any one year.
Supervision of
public high-
ways, etc.
SEC. 10. Be it enacted, That the incorporation shall assume
the supervision of all public highways in said town, to keep
the same properly repaired; and the Commissioners shall have
the power to repair, widen or extend old streets, lay out new
ones and open the same; condemn rights of way or acquire
the same by purchase, assess damages in the premises and
pay the same out of any moneys in the treasury not other-
wise appropriated, according to State laws in such cases made
and provided, whenever the welfare of the town and the con-
dition of the treasury shall justify such proceedings.
Annual elec-
tion of officers
SEC. 11. Be it enacted, That an election for elective officers
of this town shall be held in and for said town on the first
Monday in May in each succeeding year, in accordance with
Section four of this Act.
SEC. 12. Be it enacted, That this Act shall be in full force
and effect as soon as the provisions of Section four have been
complied with.
Approved April 7, 1900.
AN ACT to repeal Section thirty-seven of Article 19 of the
Code of Public General Laws, title "Comptroller," as
amended by Chapter two hundred and five of the Acts of
eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and to re-enact the
same with amendments.