for State and county officers, shall possess all the qualifications
of electors of said town with all the privileges such citizenship
SEC. 4. Be it enacted, That the qualified voters of said town
shall arrange by convention or otherwise to hold an election
in an ordinary and fair manner within the town limits on the
first Monday in May, 1900, between the hours of i o'clock
and 5 o'clock P. M. of that day and elect by ballot five persons
of integrity and sound judgment from among their number,
without regard to partisan politics, to serve as Commissioners
of said town for one year from that date, and until their suc-
cessors shall have been elected and qualified; provided, how-
ever, that should any unforseen circumstances prevent com-
pliance with the foregoing specific provisions of this section
on the first Monday in May, 1900, said voters may comply
with the same at any time within one year and one day fiom
said date.
Shall hold
election for
SEC. 5. Be it enacted, That as soon as elected the Commis-
sioners shall proceed to organize by electing one of their
number president and appointing some capable, well qualified
person as clerk, whose duty shall be to keep a correct record
of all their official proceedings. Said clerk shall also act as
treasurer of said town, giving to the Commissioners, and
approved by them, a bond with sufficient security and penalties
for the faithful performance of said duties as treasurer.
Shall organize
and elect
president and
SEC. 6. Be it enacted, That the Commissioners shall meet
at least once in three months, and shall have full power to
make and enforce all such by-laws, rules and ordinances, not
in conflict with the laws of this State, as may be required for
the prosperity of said town, for the comfort, health and con-
venience of its inhabitants, for the prevention and removal of
nuisance and unhealthfulness, and for the suppression of vice
and immorality within the town's limits, to appoint bailiffs
and fix their term of office, to enforce such laws to preserve
the peace and good order of the town , and perform such other
duties as the Commissioners may assign them, and for this
purpose said bailiffs are vested with the same power and
authority and shall have the same remuneration as constables
now have under the laws of this State.
Power to make
and enforce
by-laws, rules,
etc., for good
government of
the town.
SEC. 7. Be it enacted, That the Commissioners shall fix the
salaries and amount of remuneration of all officers and em-
ployees not otherwise provided for: provided, such pay shall
not exceed one dollar per day for the time actually employed
of officers.