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Session Laws, 1900
Volume 97, Page 839   View pdf image (33K)
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figures, signs or symbols shall be printed or written upon said
ballots; no other ballots than those herein prescribed shall be
received or counted by the judges of election. The ballots
shall be received by the judges, one of whom shall place the
ballot in a box provided for that purpose, and another
of whom shall write upon paper provided for the pur-
pose the name of each voter whose ballot is received.
Immediately after the close of the poll the ballots shall be
taken from the box, one by one, counted and tallied by the
judges of election. The papers containing the names of the
voters and the tallies, as aforesaid, shall constitute a part of
the returns of the judges of election. The five candidates,
or person voted for at any election, receiving the highest
number of legal votes cast shall be declared "Town Commis-
sioners of La Plata" elected at that election; should there be
a tie vote between any candidates at any election held under
the provisions of this Act, the judges of election shall deter-
mine and declare, it it should be necessary, which of such
candidates shall be returned elected Town7 Commissioner or
Town Commissioners of La Plata, and they shall make their
returns accordingly.


95. The Town Commissioners of La Plata shall meet in said
town on or before the first Monday in June next succeeding
their election, and as often thereafter as may be necessary, to
discharge the duties of their office, not less, however, than
once in every three months.

Time for

96. The Town Commissioners of La Plata shall, at the first
meeting after their election, elect one of their number to be
president; and all vacancies in the Board of Town Commis-
sioners caused by the death, resignation, removal from the
town of La Plata, or otherwise, shall be filled by the remain-
ing members of said board.

Shall elect
president, etc

97. The Town Commissioners of La Plata shall annually
appoint a clerk, who shall also be treasurer, who shall keep
minutes of their proceedings in a well-bound book, procured
by the Town Commissioners for that purpose, which shall be
open to the inspection of all persons interested therein; he
shall also keep proper accounts as treasurer, and shall perform
such other duties as the Town Commissioners may assign to

Appoint clerk.
Duties of.

98. The Town Commissioners of La Plata shall annually
appoint a bailiff, who shall prevent or disperse disorderly
or irregular meetings of persons within the corporate limits of

Shall appoint
Duties of.

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Session Laws, 1900
Volume 97, Page 839   View pdf image (33K)
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