carriages, omnibuses or the other vehicles used in said town
for the carriage of passengers, all vehicles used for the car-
riage or transportation of freight or merchandise, and all
carts or other vehicles which ply for hire; to levy a tax and
to impose a license on dogs, and to impose a license on all gas
companies, water companies, telephone and telegraph com-
panies, brokers, real estate and insurance companies and
agencies locating.or doing business in said town; and to regu-
late and license auctioneers who cry any public sales within
the corporate limits of said town, provided that no greater
trades and
sum than ten dollars be charged for any one license; and to
regulate and control all offensive trades and manufactures,
and traffic in offensive fertilizers or other commodities within
the town limits; they shall also have power to provide for
laying out, opening, extending, widening, straightening or
closing up, in whole or in part, any street, highway, square,
lane, alley, drain, or any watercourse within the bounds of
said town which, in their opinion, public convenience may
require. They shall also have power to grant a franchise to
any water company desiring to bring water into said town,.
Water supply
and to establish waterworks therein, and to contract with any
water company to furnish water for public purposes for said
town; they shall also have power to provide for the codifica-
tion of all ordinances which have been or which may here-
after be passed by the Burgess and Commissioners; and for the
purpose of carrying out the foregoing powers, and for the
preservation of the cleanliness, health, peace and good govern-
ment and good order of the town, and for protection of the
lives and property of the citizens of the town, and to suppress,
abate or discontinue, or cause to be suppressed, abated or dis-
May pass
ordinances or
by-laws and
affix thereto
fines, etc.
continued, all nuisances within the corporate and sanitary
limits of the town, they may pass all ordinances or by-laws
from time to title necessary, and they may affix thereto such
reasonable fines and costs, not exceeding twenty dollars in
any one case, as may to them appear right and just, and in
default of payment of any fine and cost imposed, they may
provide for the imprisonment of the offender, for a period not
exeeding thirty days, or until the fine and costs be paid, or
sentence said offender to hard labor for a sufficient length of
time until said labor will satisfy the fine and costs,- the price
allowed for the labor thus done to be the same as that allowed
for persons regularly hired to perform such labor.
Power to
appoint a
Sec. 374A. The said Burgess and Commissioners shall have
power to appoint a bailiff for the said corporation who shall
have the same general peace powers within the corporate