Authority to
change grade.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That for the purpose of doing away with the present
grade crossing of the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad at or
near Winans' Station on said railroad in the Thirteenth Dis-
trict of Baltimore County by a public road of said county,
commonly known as the "Washington Turnpike Road," the
County Commissioners of Baltimore County be and they are
hereby authorized and empowered to change the grade of said
public road at and near the place in question to such an ex-
tent as may be necessary to carry such public road over said
railroad at the present place of crossing by an overhead cross-
ing, and also to provide for the construction and maintenance
of such bridge or bridges as may be necessary thereto; and to
close temporarily such portion of said existing public road as
may be necessary to enable the purposes of this Act to be
carried out.
Empowered to
make con-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the County Commissioners
of Baltimore County be and they are hereby authorized and
empowered to make a contract with the Baltimore and Poto-
mac Railroad Company for doing the work necessary for such
change of grade in said public road, including the construc-
tion of the bridge or bridges made necessary thereby, upon
the approval by said County Commissioners of plans, specifica-
tions and estimates therefor, submitted to them by said com-
pany, which plans, specifications and estimates shall provide
for reasonably convenient access to said public road on the
part of adjoining property holders, where the same can be
provided without reasonably interfering with the accomplish-
ments of the purposes of this Act.
Division of
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the County Commissioners
of Baltimore County be and they are hereby authorized and
empowered to determine how much, if any, of the cost of the
work made necessary by such change of grade of said public
road, and how much, if any, of the cost of construction and
the cost of maintenance of the bridge or bridges herein men-
tioned, shall be borne by said county, and how much of the
same, in each instance, shall be borne by said railroad com-
Claims of
property hold-
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That in order that any claim or
claims of adjoining property holders ma3' be fairly dealt with,
that the said County Commissioners are hereby authorized
and empowered upon presentation to them of any such claim
or claims after such reasonable notice as they may fix, to the
claimant or claimants and all other parties int'erested in such