enacted as sections and sub-sections of Article 10 of the Code
of Public Local Laws, title "Dorchester County," sub-title
"Cambridge," to wit:
41. The inhabitants of the town of Cambridge, in Dor-
chester County, are now and shall hereafter be, as they have
heretofore been, a body corporate under the name and title of
"The Commissioners of Cambridge," with all rights, fran-
chises, powers, privileges and prerogatives, which, at the
date of this enactment, they do, as a body corporate, have,
hold and possess, and as well all the rights, franchises,
powers, privileges and prerogatives which are given under
this enactment, and that may hereafter be given, acquired or
received thereby under the authority of law. The said Com-
missioners, as such, shall have perpetual succession, and by
said name may sue and be sued. They may purchase and"
they may otherwise acquire for corporate purposes, and they
may hold and possess property, real, personal and mixed,
and they may sell, dispose of and convey said property for
the benefit of said town, and they may use a corporate seal,
and may alter the same at pleasure.
The corporate
42. The corporate limits of the town of Cambridge shall
include the land and territory contained and embraced within
the following metes and bounds, courses and distances, to wit:
Beginning for the western limit at the Choptank River, and
on a line with the fence on the east side of the right of way
leading out from the property owned by Mrs. Mary Small;
thence running the following courses and distances, with an
allowance of 5° 30' westerly variation, according to the present
limits, as follows: 1st. S. 41° 20' W. with said fence and right
of way 171 1/2 perches to a stone, with an octagonal -shaped
top, planted on the north edge of Glasgow street extended;
thence S. 21° 40' W. 247 1/2 perches to a like stone planted on
the south edge of Horn's Point road (at the end of the first
line of the charter extension of eighteen hundred and eighty-
two); thence with the south edge of said Horn's Point road S.
72° 05' E. 10 perches, S. 69° 38' E. 9 42-100 perches, and S.
67° 45' E. 10 1/3 perches; thence out into the field of W. Lake
Robinson's farm, S. 32° 48' W. 78 9-10 perches to a stone
marked "No. 2" (planted at the end of the first line in the
charter line extension of eighteen hundred and fifty-three);
thence S. 79° 50' E. 301 perches to a stone marked "No. 3,"
standing at the south edge of and at the east end of Appleby