that unless the taxes so in arrears are paid within thirty days
thereafter, three per cent, of the gross amount thereon shall
be added to each bill for taxes in arrear, and at the expiration
of thirty days from such notice, if the same be not then paid,
three per centum of the gross amount of each bill for said
taxes in arrear shall be added thereto as a penalty, and col-
lected in the same manner as the bill itself, said penalty to be
paid to the City Collector, and by him to the City Register,
to the credit of the Mayor and City Council, to provide for
the expense of collecting the taxes for the fiscal year nineteen
hundred. The Mayor and City Council may by ordinance
appropriate the moneys so to be paid to the register in pay-
ment of the expenses for collecting the taxes for that year.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7, 1900.
AN ACT to Incorporate the Finance Company of Maryland.
in arrears.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That De Witt C. Jones, William F. Banfiel, Simon J.
Block, Charles H. Jones, Jr., and Richard B. Sperry, and
their associates, successors and assigns, and all other persons
who may hereafter become stockholders in the company
hereby incorporated, shall be a body corporate by the name
and style of the "Finance Company of Maryland," and by
that name shall have perpetual succession, and sue and be
sued in any court whatever, and that the home- office of the
said body corporate shall be located in Baltimore City.
Finance Co.
of Maryland.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of said
company shall consist of one thousand shares at one hundred
dollars each, being one hundred thousand dollars, with the
privilege to increase the same from time to time by a majority
vote of all the stock at any special meeting or meetings to be
called for that purpose, to any amount not exceeding in all
five million dollars; and the above-named incorporators, or a
majority of them, shall have power to open books for sub-
scription at such times and places as they may deem expe-
dient; and when not less than one thousand shares have been
subscribed and fully paid for, the stockholders may elect five
or more directors to serve until the ensuing annual election,
or until their successors have been duly elected and qualified;
and the directors of said company so elected may, and they
Capital stock.
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