General Laws, title "Public Education," sub-title "Forma-
tion of Boards," be and the same is hereby repealed so as to
read as follows:
6. The Governor, by and with the advice and consent of
the Senate, if in session, and without said advice and consent
when not in session, shall appoint a Board of County School
Commissioners for each county in this State, to be composed
in the Counties of Baltimore, Carroll, Frederick, Dorchester
and Washington, of six persons, and in each of the other
counties of three persons, two of whom in the Counties of
Baltimore, Carroll, Frederick, Dorchester and Washington,
and one of whom in each of the other counties shall hold their
office for the term of two years; two of whom in the Counties
Repeal and
re-enact Pub-
lic Education,
sub.title, For-
mation of
of Baltimore, Carroll, Frederick, Dorchester and Washing-
ton, and one in each of the other counties shall hold their
office for the term of four years; and two of whom in the
Counties of Baltimore, Carroll, Frederick, Dorchester and
Washington, and one of whom in each of the other counties,
shall hold their office for the term of six years from the first
Monday of May next succeeding their appointment and until
their successors shall qualify. The Governor shall, at the
time of making said appointments, designate the terms of
years of each of the said commissioners when first appointed
under this Act. The term of office of the said commission-
ers after the expiration of the term for which first appointed
shall be a term of six years; said persons shall be men of high
character, integrity and capacity. Two of said appointees
for the Counties of Baltimore, Carroll, Frederick, Dorchester
and Washington and one of said appointees for each of the
other counties shall be selected and appointed by the Gov-
ernor from the political party which at the last preceding elec-
tion for Governor cast next to the highest number of votes in
the State, so that said minority party shall always have
proper representation upon each of said boards. The Gov-
ernor may remove for incompetency, neglect of duty, or mis-
conduct any person so appointed by him as Commissioner of
Public Schools, after giving due notice to such person of the
charges made against him, and a reasonable opportunity to be
heard in his own defense. In case of vacancy by death,
removal from the county, removal from office by the Gov-
ernor, resignation, or disqualification from any cause, the
Governor shall fill such vacancy with an appointee from the
same political party as that of the person whose position shall
have become vacated.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 1, 1900.
of County
School Com-
missioners and
terms of office