No. 10. Joint Resolution of the General Assembly of the State of
Maryland, requesting the Governor to appoint a committee to
represent the State of Maryland at the Reunion of the Army of
the Cumberland at Chattanooga ................................................. 1200
No. 11. Joint Resolution to protect the interest of the State of Mary-
land in respect of the stock held by it in the Washington Branch
of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company........................... 1201
No. 15. Joint Resolution authorizing and directing the Board of
Public Works to take such steps as they, after consultation with
the Attorney-General, shall deem necessary to enforce the decree
passed by the Circuit Court for Washington County, in equity,
affirmed on appeal by the Court of Appeals for the sale of the
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal........................................................ 1202
No. 10. Joint Resolution of the General Assembly of the State of
Maryland, requesting the Governor to appoint a committee to
represent the State of Maryland at the Reunion of the Army of
the Cumberland at Chattanooga ......................................................
No. 11. Joint Resolution to protect the interest of the State of Mary-
land in respect of the stock held by it in the Washington Branch
of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company ............................
No. 15. Joint Resolution authorizing and directing the Board of
Public Works to take such steps as they, after consultation with
the Attorney-General, shall deem necessary to enforce the decree
passed by the Circuit Court for Washington County, in equity,
affirmed on appeal by the Court of Appeals for the sale of the
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal.........................................................