No. I. Joint Resolution of the General Assembly of the State of
Maryland directing the State Librarian to donate to the Winnie
davis School of History a copy of each and every historical publi-
cation issued by authority of the State of Maryland.......................
No. 2. Joint Resolution and Memorial of the General Assembly of
the State of Maryland to the Congress of the United States for the
passage of a bill to reimburse and indemnify the Mayor and Al-
dermen of Frederick..................................................... . ......
No. 3. Joint Resolution of the General Assembly of Maryland re-
questing our Representatives in Congress to vote for the passage
of the Grout and Richardson bills now before Congress................
No. 4. Joint Resolution extending the term of service of Honorable
James Revell as Associate Judge of the Fifth Judicial Circuit of
Maryland until the expiration of the period of fifteen years, for
which he was elected..................................................................
No. 5. Joint Resolution authorizing the destruction of so many of
the bonds or certificates of indebtedness of the State of Maryland,
consisting of the Maryland Defence Redemption Loan, issued
under Chapter 289 of the Acts of 1882; of the Exchange Loan of
1886, issued under Chapter 449 of 1886; of the Exchange Loan of
1889, issued under Chapter 201 of 1888, and of the Exchange Loan
of 1891, issued under Chapter 305 of 1890, as were exchanged on
the first day of January, 1899, for a like amount of "The Consoli-
dated Loan of 1899," as per Chapter 219 of the Acts of 1898..........
No. 6. Joint Resolutions of the General Assembly of Maryland to
Congress in relation to the equitable share of the State in the
Public Lands of the United States, for the benefit of the public
schools of Maryland ..................................................................
No. 7. Joint Resolution requesting the Senators and Representa-
tives in Congress from the State of Maryland to use all proper
endeavors to have the authorities of the United States deed and
convey to the State of Maryland the Naval Hospital building,
located on the Government farm adjoining the Naval Academy
grounds, near Annapolis.............................................................
No. 8. Joint Resolution of the General Assembly of the State of
Maryland to Congress to improve the Severn River and Harbor of
Annapolis, Maryland..................................................................
No. 9. Joint Resolution of the General Assembly of the State of
Maryland authorizing the appointment of a committee to confer
with a similar committee appointed by the State of Virginia in re-
gard to Maryland and Virginia boundary along the Potomac