tied an "Act to repeal Sections gi, 96 and 105 of the Code of Pub-
lic Local Laws of the State of Maryland," title "Charles
County," sub-title "La Plata," and to enact the following in lieu
thereof, and to re-enactsaid Sections 91 to 116, inclusive, of Arti-
cle g of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title
"Charles County," sub-title "I, a Plata," with amendments..........
No. 519. An Act to repeal an Act of the General Assembly of Mary-
and, passed at the December Session, eighteen hundred and
forty-three, Chapter forty-seven, etititled ail "Act to incorpor-
ate the Town of New Windsor, in Carroll County;" also to repeal
an Act of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed at the Jan-
uary Session, eighteen hundred and sixty seven, Chapter four
hundred and twenty, entitled an "Act to revise and amend tbe
Act of incorporation of the Town of New Windsor, in Carroll
County, passed at the December Session, eighteen hundred and
forty-three, Chapter forty-seven, and to repeal the fourteenth sec-
tion thereof, and to re-enact tbe same with uew and additional
No. 520. An Act to repeal Section twenty-one of Article 77 of the
Code of Public General Laws, title "Public Education," sub-title
"School Commissioners," and to re-enact the same with amend-
No. 521. An Act supplementary to an Act entitled an "Act to change
the name and amend the charter of the Visitors of the Asylum
and Training School for the Feeble Minded of the State of Mary-
land, incorporated by the General Assembly of Maryland at its
session of eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, Chapter one hun-
dred and eighty-three," passedatthe session of eighteen hundred
and ninety-four, Chapter five hundred and sixty-two.....................
No. 522. An Act to incorporate "The Southern Commercial Agency"
No. 523. An Act to authorize the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more to issue its certificates of stock to an amount not exceeding
five million ($5 000,000), dollars for the purpose of providing the
money to pay at the time of doing the work the portion of the
costs and expenses of grading, paving and kerbing the streets,
lanes and alleys of the City of Baltimore, assessable upon tbe prop-
erty benefited thereby, and for the reiinbusement of the City of
Baltimore in respect thereto out »f the money derived from said
No. 524. Au Act to repeal Section five hundred and thirty-eight of
Article 4 of Public Local Laws, title "City of Batimore," sub-title
"Inspection, Weights and Measures," sub division "Coal," as
amended and re-enacted by Chapter one hundred and twenty-three
of the Acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and to re-enact
the same with amendments.........................................................
No. 525. An Act to sanction the bequest of one thousand dollars to
the Vestry of St. Luke's Church, by Eloise Baker, late of Balti-
more City, deceased.....................................................................
No. 526. An Act to give and declare the sanction and consent of
tlie General Assembly of Maryland to the devise and bequest con-
tained in the will of Annie R. Hanson, late of Baltimore City, de-
ceased, to the Church of the Messiah, in Baltimore City................