contract to furnish to the electric light plant sufficient power
to run said plant, and in the event of the last-mentioned contract
being made, the said Mayor and Council of Pocomoke City are
authorized and empowered to borrow the sum of fifteen hundred
dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to enable them to
purchase the necessasy engines, etc..............................................
No. 510. An Act to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Chapter
five hundred and twenty-seven, of the Acts of eighteen hundred
and ninety eight, entitled au "Act to repeal Chapter four hundred
and forty-eight of the Acts of the General Assembly of eighteen
hundred and ninety-four, entitled an 'Act to appropriate the fines
and forfeitures imposed by the Circuit Court for Baltimore County
and by the Justices of the Peace thereof to the treasurer of the
Board of County School Commissioners of Baltimore County, for
the use of the public schools of said county,'" and to re-enact the
same with amendments...............................................................
No. 511. An Act to give sanction of the Legislature to the gifts, de-
vises and bequests to divers charitable and religious institutions
named in the last will and testament of Dodaise Dode, late of Bal-
timore City, deceased, subject to the conditions and limitations,
and for the purpose in said will mentioned, and to prevent any
failure of the testamentary purposes of the said Dodaise Dode by
reason of uncertainty or misdescription of any of said benefici-
aries..... ...................................................................................
No. 512. An Act to add two additional Sections to Article 23, of the
Code of Public General Laws, title "Corporations," sub-title
"insurance Department," to be known as Section 126A and Sec-
tion 126s of said Act, said additional Sections being intended to
prevent the payment of commissions to unlicensed agents or
No. 513. An Act to create an additional precinct in District No. 18,
in Allegany County......................................................................
No. 514. An Act to incorporate the Trustees of the Baltimore Annual
Conference of the Colored Methodist Protestant Church..............
No. 515. An Act to extend the privileges, enlarge the powers and
amend the charter of the "Eureka Mutual Aid Society of Balti-
more City," a corporation duly incorporated under the General
Laws of this State......................................................................
No. 516. An Act to authorize the Mayor and Council of Hagerstown
to issue bonds to pay the town's quota or assessments for the ex-
tension of Prospect street, in said town, northward between
Washington and Church streets, and for the laying out and grad-
ing and macadamizing the same...................................................
No. 517. An Act to add additional sections to Article 21 of the Code
of Public Local Laws, title "Talbot County," sub-title "Justices
of the Peace and Constables," to be designated as Sections 117A,
117B, 117C, 117D, 117E, 117F, 117G, 117H and 117I...........................
No. 518. An Act to repeal Sections 91 to 116, inclusive, of Article 9
of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Charles
City," sub-title "La Plata," and Chapter four hundred and eighty-
six of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed at
the January Session of eighteen hundred and ninety-four, enti-