No. 56. An Act to authorize and empower the County Commis-
sioners of Baltimore County to change the grade of a public road
in the thirteenth district of said county, commonly known as
the "Washington Turnpike Road," at and near the place where
the same crosses the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad at grade,
for the purpose of doing away with such grade crossing, and to
provide for the construction of the bridge or bridges that may be
made necessary thereby ..............................................................
No. 57. An Act to repeal Chapter 488 of the Acts of 1898, entitled an
"Act to amend Articles 6, 10 and 21 of the Code of Public Local
Laws, titles respectively, "Caroline County, Dorchester County
and Talbot County," sub-title "Fish," by adding three new sec-
tions thereto, to be designated Section I46A, of Article 6, Section
182A of Article 10, and Section n6A of Article 21..........................
No. 58. An Art to authorize and direct the Board of County Com-
missioners of Carroll County, to erect and maintain boards so
painted and marked with letters and figures as to indicate the
directions of and distance to the nearest town, city, village, post-
office, turnpike or main road, at the intersection of all county
roads in said county......................................................................
No. 5q. An Act to appropriate a sum of money to be placed to the
credit of the oyster fund for payment of salaries and expenses of
the oyster police force of the State of Maryland from October
first, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, to October first, nineteen
No. 60. An Act to authorize and empower the County Commis-
sioners of Kent County to change the public landing at Buck
Neck, in Kent County, and to sell, exchange or lease, as they may
deem proper, the landing now owned by the county at said Buck
No. 61. An Act to repeal Section two hundred and fif ty- three of
Article 2 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Anne Arundel
County," sub-title "Wild Fowl," as repealed and re-enacted, with
amendments, by Chapter five hundred and eighty-two of the Acts
of 1892, and to re-enact the same, with amendments, and to add a
new section to said article, to be designated as Section 253 A........
No. 62. An Act to add an additional section to Article 51 of the Code
of Public General Laws of Maryland, entitled "Juries," to be
known as Section twenty-three, and to follow Section twenty-two.
No. 63. An Act to amend Section one of Chapter three hundred and
sixty- nine of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of
1898, entitled an "Act to incorporate The Old Line Real Estate &
Trust Co. of Baltimore City," and to repeal Sections two, three,
four, six, eleven, twelve and thirteen of said Chapter, and to re-
enact certain of those sections, with amendments, and to add cer-
tain of those sections, with amendments, and to add certain addi-
tional sections to said Chapter, granting additional powers, to be
known as Sections 6A, 6B, 6C, 10A, and 10B, and to ratify,
make valid and confirm all operations and Acts heretofore under-
taken or done and performed by and in the name of The Old Line
, Real Estate & Trust Co. of Baltimore City....................................