No. 44. An Act to repeal Section one hundred and eighty-five of
Article 13 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Harford
County," sub-title "Havre de Grace," and to re-enact the same
with amendments................................................................. ....
No. 45. An Act to repeal Chapter six hundred and fifteen of the
Acts of eighteen hundred and ninety, entitled an "Act to amend
Article 13 of the Code of Public Local Laws, entitled ' Harford
County,' by adding additional sections thereto"...........................
No. 46. An Act to repeal Sections ninety-seven and ninety-eight of
Article 3 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title
"Baltimore County," sub-title "Fish"................. ..
No. 47. An Act to amend the charter of Loudon Park Cemetery, so
as to enable it to acquire land in addition to the quantity it now
No. 48. An Act to repeal Section eight of Article 81 of the Code of
Public General Laws of Maryland so far as the same relates to
Harford County .........................................................................
No. 49. An Act to authorize and empower Junius M. Baker to con-
struct in front of his property, in the town of Cambridge, Dor-
chester County, a wharf or shell walk extending out into the
Great Choptank River.....................................................
No. 50. An Act to repeal Sections sixty-one and sixty-three of Arti-
cle 13, of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Harford
County," sub-title "County Commissioners," and to re-enact the
same with amendments.....................................................
No. 52. An Act to amend the Act passed at the January Session,
eighteen hundred and eighty-six of the General Assembly of
Maryland, Chapter one hundred, entitled au "Act to incorporate
the Catonsville Water Company, " as amended by an Act passed at
the January Session, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, Chapter
seventy-three, by adding thereto certain sections for the purpose
of extending the operations and increasing the powers thereof.....
No. 53. An Act to provide for the division of the Second Election
Precinct of the Ninth Election District of Baltimore County into
two election precincts, to be known as Precinct No. 2 and Pre-
cinct No. 5, respectively..............................................................
No. 54. An Act to change the name of "The McClenahan and
Brother Granite Company of Cecil County"..................................
No. 55. An Act to extend an Act entitled an "Act to incorporate
the New York Mining Company," passed at December Session,
eighteen hundred and forty-four, Chapter two hundred and
twenty, and the supplement thereto, passed at December Session,
eighteen hundred and forty-six, Chapter one hundred and twenty-
three, and the Act to alter and amend the said original Act of in-
corporation and supplements thereto passed at January Session,
eighteen hundred and fifty-three, Chapter seventy; and the Act
to alter, amend and extend the said original Act of incorporation
and supplements thereto, passed at January Session, eighteen hun-
dred and seventy-four, Chapter one hundred and ten, for the
period of thirty years...................................................................