147. The inhabitants of the village of Greensborough, in
Caroline County, are a body corporate by the name of the
"Commissioners of Greensborough," and by that name may
sue and be sued, may acquire by purchase or condemnation
any land or property, or any interest therein, upon which to
erect any market-house, lock-up office or any other building
or buildings which, in the judgment of the Commissioners,
may be necessary for the use of said corporation, and for the
establishment and enlargement of parks, squares and gardens,
and for opening, extending, widening or straightening any
street, lane or alley in said village, and may hold real, per-
sonal and mixed property, or dispose of the same for the
benefit of said village, and may have and use a common seal,
which may be altered at pleasure.
of Greens-
A body corpo-
Powers of
163. The said Commissioners shall have full power to buy,
lease or condemn any land, or interest therein, for the pur-
pose of erecting thereon any market-house, lock-up office or
any other building or buildings for the use of said corporation,
and for opening, extending, widening, closing or straighten-
ing any street, lane or alley, also for the establishment and
enlargement of parks, squares and gardens in said village,
which, in their judgment, the public welfare and convenience
may require.
Power to buy,
lease, etc.,
land for build-
ings, etc.
164. They may levy upon the assessable property within
said village, by direct tax not exceeding fifty cents on the
hundred dollars, such sum as they may deem necessary for .
the purpose of defraying the expenses of said corporation and
of opening, closing, extending, widening, straightening or
improving the streets, lanes or alleys in said village, and build-
ing, repairing or improving the public wells and pumps and
fire-engines belonging to said corporation, and for buying,
leasing or condemning any land or any interest therein, or for
any other corporate purpose, in such manner as they may
deem expedient, with full powers to collect the same as pro-
vided in Section one hundred and sixtv-six.
May levy upon
property with-
in said vil-
lage for certain
167. The said Commissioners may pass such by-laws and
ordinances as they shall deem necessary for the good gov-
ernment of said village and the inhabitants thereof; for the
removal of nuisances, to prevent swine, geese, animals or
other stock from going at large, and for the opening, ex-
tending, widening, straightening, repairing, improving or
closing up of streets, lanes or alleys, and for condemning any
land or interest therein, for corporate purposes, in said vil-
lage, and all damage done, suffered or incurred in condemning
any land or interest therein, or by opening, closing, extend-
May pass by-
laws and
necessary for
good gov-
ernment of
said village,