fore the first Monday in June, nineteen hundred, at which the
question as to whether or not the said reservoir shall be built
or repaired, as aforesaid, shall be submitted to the qualified
voters of said town as hereinbefore provided for.
SEC. 7. Be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect from
the date of its passage.
Approved April 10, 1900.
AN ACT to regulate the Practice of the Profession of Public
Accountant in the State of Maryland.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That any citizen of the United States, or person who
has duly declared his intention of becoming such citizen, re-
siding or having a place for the regular transaction of business
in the State of Maryland, being over the age of twenty one
years and of good moral character, and who shall have re-
ceived from the Governor of the State of Maryland a certifi-
cate of his qualification to practice as a public expert account-
ant, as hereinafter provided, shall be styled and known as a
certified public accountant; and no other person shall assume
such title, or use the abbreviation "C. P. A.," or any other
words, letters or figures to indicate that the person using the
same is such certified public accountant.
shall appoint
a board of
SEC. 2. The Governor shall, within sixty days after the
passage of this Act, appoint a board of four examiners for the
examination of persons applying for certificates under this
Act; two of said examiners shall be public accountants, se-
lected from a list of six names proposed by the Maryland
Association of Public Accountants, one of which said two ex-
aminers shall hold office for the term of one year, and one for
the term of two years, and upon the expiration of each of said
terms, and of each succeeding term, an examiner shall be ap-
pointed for the term of two years, and after the year nineteen
hundred each successor to said two examiners shall be ap-
pointed from such persons as may hold certificates as Certified
Public Accountants under this Act. The other two of said
board of examiners shall be practicing attorneys, in good
standing, in any of the courts of the State of Maryland"; one
of them shall hold office for the term of one year, the other
for the term of two years, and upon the expiration of each of
said terms and each succeeding term a successor shall be ap-