. the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Montgomery County,"
sub-title "Taxes," as amended by the Act of eighteen hundred
and ninety-two, Chapter four hundred and eighteen, be and
the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments,
so as to read as follows:
County taxes
Interest on.
218. That all county taxes shall be due as soon as
they are levied, and if not paid on or before the first day
of September of the year in which they are levied shall bear
interest from that date until paid at the rate of six per cent, per
annum, and at any time after the first day of January next suc-
ceeding the date of the levy, and not before, payment may be
enforced by sale as herein provided.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the following new sections
to be known as Sections 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226 and
227, to follow Section two hundred and nineteen of Article 16
of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Montgomery County,"
sub-title "Taxes," be and the same are hereby enacted and
added to said Article 16 of the Code of Public Local Laws,
title "Montgomery County," sub-title "Taxes."
220. That it shall be the duty of the tax collectors as
soon as the annual levy is made and placed in their hands
to give notice thereof by advertisement in two newspapers
published in Rockville, in said county, which notice shall
state the time from which taxes bear interest, and shall warn
all taxpayers of their liability to be published as delinquent
taxpayers and to have their property sold unless the taxes
with which they are charged are paid on or before the first
day of January then next ensuing. Each tax collector shall
also immediately after the receipt of the levy as aforesaid,
make out the bill of each taxpayer in his collection district,
to which a similar notice shall be annexed, and upon appli-
cation shall forward the bill by mail or otherwise to the person
or his agent to whom taxes have been assessed.
Property sold
for taxes in
221. That immediately after the first day of January
in each and every year, each collector of taxes shall
make an alphabetical list of all taxes due and in arrears
in his collection district, which list shall contain the name or
names of the person or persons or body corporate assessed
with property upon which taxes are due and in arrears, a
brief description of the property, and such reference to con-
veyances as will render the same easy of identification, and
the amount of the tax levied and in arrear, with the interest
and costs accrued, and to accrue thereon to the day of sale, to
which list shall be appended a notice that if said tax or taxes