Which proposed amendments were severally adopted,
The bill was read the second time and ordered to be
engrossed for a third reading.
Also, favorably, with proposed amendment,
House bill ectitled "An Act to provide for the estab-
lishment of an electric light piant at Hagerstown, Mary-
After section 17 add an additional section to be known
as ‘Section 17 A,' so as to read as follows:
"Section 17 A. And he it enacted, That this Act shall
not go into force and effect unless at an election to be
held within sixty days after the fifth day of March, in
the year nineteen hundred, a majority of the qualified
voters of Hagerstown, casting their votes upon tine ques-
tion, shall vote in favor of the provisions of this Act, at
said election all ballots cast in favor of the provisions of
this Act shall read, "For Municipal Ownership of Light-
ing Plant," and all ballots cast against the provisions of
this Act shall read, "Against Municipal Ownership of
Lighting Plant," and if at said election the number of bal-
lots cast upon said question and reading ‘For Municipal
Ownership of Lighting Plant' shall exceed the number of
ballots cast upon said question, and reading ‘Against Muni-
cipal Ownership of Lighting Plant,' then this Act shall im-
mediately go into force and effect; but if, at said election
the number of ballots cast upon said question aud read-
ing ‘Against Municipal Ownership of Lighting Plant,' ex-
ceed the number of ballots upon said question, and reading
'For Municipal Ownership of Lighting Plant,' then this
Act shall be void; and it shall he the duty of the Mayor
of Hagerstown to give eight day's notice before said elec-
tion of the submission of said question; and in said notice it
shall be sufficient to give the title of this Act and the
manner in which the ballots cast thereon shall read; said
election may he held at the regular election for Mayor of
Hagerstown, or at a special election to be called by the
Mayor witlun the period prescribed by thus section."
Which proposed ameadments were severally adopted,
The bill was read the second time.