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1900.] OF THE SENATE. 5 Mr. Moses named Hon. John Hubner. Mr. Peter named Hon. John Hubner. Mr. Putzel named Hon. Stevenson A. Williams. Mr. Ravenscroft named Hon Stevenson A. Williams. Mr. Rohrbach named Hon. John Hubner. Mr. Wilkinson named Hon. Stevenson A. Williams. Mr. Williams, of Harford, named Hon. Mr. Williams, of Anne Arundel, named Hon. John Hubner. The President pro tem announced that there werø 22 votes cast, of which the Hon. John Hubner received 13 votes, and the Hon. Stevenson A. Williams received 9 votes. The Hon. John Hubner having received a majority of all votes cast, was duly elected President of the Senate. The President pro tem appointed Messrs. Crothers and Williams, of Harford, to conduct the Hon. John Hubuer to the chair. Upon taking the chair, and after prayer by Rev. Wm. E. Miller, the President-elect delivered the following ADDRESS: SENATORS :—I sincerely thank you for the honor you have conferred upon me by selecting me your presiding officer, and I earnestly hope that I may, by discharging the duties of this important office with impartiality and courtesy, merit your confidence and support. After a lapse of four years, the people of Maryland have again placed upon the Democratic party the respon- sibility of government. It is our solemn duty to merit their confidence and approval and endeavor to deserve their future support, by doing all in our power to give it a sound, economical administration, and to fulfill all the promises to which the party stands pledged. I need not remind you that the responsibility resting upon this Body is very great. Important legislation will come before us, legislation which will require your con- scientious and intelligent consideration; therefore, brother Senators, to avoid the rush and confusion inci- dent to the later days of the session, and to enable this Body to give to each measure the thought and delibera |
Volume 96, Page 5 View pdf image (33K) |
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