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Proceedings of the Senate, 1900
Volume 96, Page 38   View pdf image (33K)
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shaped the destiny and controlled the policy of this Com-
monw ealth.

The reasons it would be futile to discuss on this occa-
sion, the people in the exercise of their sovereign right,
saw fit .in 1896 to change their public servants. They
elected a Republican Governor and a Republican major-
ity of the House of Delegates. Two years afterward
they returned a Republican majority to the State Senate
as well as to the House of Delegates, thus placing both
the Executive and Legislative branches of govern-
ment into the hands of that party. Whether during the
opportunity thus given them, they have governed well or
otherwise; whether they have measured up to the expec-
tations of the people who placed them in power, it is not
for me to say. Nor is it necessary or appropriate at this
time to pass judgment upon them. Whatever the facts
in that regard may be, it is certain that the people have
restored the Democracy to power in the State. They
have again placed every branch of the Government in
our hands. They have elected a Democratic Governor,
Comptroller and Attorney-General. They have elected
a Democratic majority in both branches of the General
Assembly. We shall at an early date be placed in pos-
session of the Board of Public Works. Thus we shall
have the entire and undivided responsibility of State
Government. This responsibility we asked the people
to give us. They have complied with our request. We
mnst see to it that they shall not be disappointed.

We promised them good government. They have
taken us at our word, and have trusted us again.

We promised them a clean, honest, business adminis-
tration. They have said they believed we would do
what we promised.

We pledged ourselves to measures of reform desired
by the people; reform as to the police system of Balti-
more city; reform as to the system of public educntion;
reform as to bribery in elections ; reform as to the
methods in Legislation. These are things, I say, we
have promised the people. They are entitled to them.
They must and shall have them if it can be made possi-
ble by me. The Democratic party has no disposition to
ignore them; but I wish to take this public opportunity

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Proceedings of the Senate, 1900
Volume 96, Page 38   View pdf image (33K)
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