‘Sheriff,' as the same was repealed and re-enacted by
chapter 64, of the Acts of 1896."
Which was read the first time and referred to Senators
Wilkinson, Marsh and Putzel.
By Mr. Moses,
A bill entitled "An Act to add a new section to Article
4, of the Code of Public Local Laws, as repealed and re-
enacted by the Act of 1898, chapter 123, title ‘City of
Baltimore,' sub-title ‘Miscellaneous Local Laws,' to come
in after section 321, to be known as ‘Section 321 A.'"
Which was read the first time, and referred to Sena-
tors Moses, Bryan and Putzel.
By Mr. Williams, of Harford,
A bill entitled "An Act to add an additional section to
Article 90, of the Code of Public General Laws, title
'Sureties,' sub-title ‘Counter Security,' to follow section
5, and to he designated as ‘Section 5 A' empowering a
fiduciary to include the cost of his bond as a part of the
lawful expense of executing his trust."
Which was read the first time and referred to the
Committee on Judicial Proceedings.
The Secretary of State appeared and delivered a mes-
sage from the Executive.
Mr. Beasman, from Select Committee, reported favor-
House bill entitled "An Act to authorize the Mayor and
Common Council of the town of Union Bridge, Carroll
county, Maryland, to issue bonds to raise money to pay
off the amount of outstanding bonds heretofore issued by
said municipal corporation, under authority given by the
Act of Assembly of 1884, chapter 29, and to levy and to
collect the necessary taxes for the payment of said bonds
and the interest thereon."
Which was read the second time.
Mr. Beasman, from Select Committee, reported favor-
House bill entitled "An Act to repeal section 253, of