1900.]OF THE SENATE. 197
THURSDAY, Feb. 1, 1900.
The Senate resumed session at 8 P. M.
Present at roll call the following Senators
Messrs. President, Applegarth, Baker, Beasman, Betts,
Bouic, Brewington, Bryan, Crothers, Dennis, Dick, Dod-
son, Gray, Kirwan, Marsh, Messick. Moore, Moses, Peter,
Putzel, Ravenscroft, Rohrback, Wilkinson, Williams, of
Harford, Williams, of Anne Arundel—25.
By Mr. Williams, of Harford,
A bill entitled "An Act to add an additional section to
Article 77, of the Code of Public General Laws, title
‘Public Education,' sub-title ‘Teachers,' to he known as
‘Section 53 A,' and to follow section 53."
Which was read the first time, and referred to the
Committee on Finance.
By Mr. Dennis,
A bill entitled "An Act to authorize the Commission-
ers of Crisfield, in Somerset county, to issue additional
bonds on the credit of said municipal corporation."
Which was read the first time, and referred to Senators
Dennis, Applegarth and Gray.
By Mr. Williams, of Harford,
A bill entitled "An Act to repeal section 2, of chapter
311, of the Acts passed by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, at the session of 1898, entitled ‘An Act to provide
for the placing of two statues of distinguished deceased
citizens of Maryland in the Hall of Statuary in the Capitol
at Washington, and to appropriate a sum of money there-
for, and to re-enact the same with amendments."
Which was read the first time, and referred to the
-Committee on Judicial Proceedings.