of a license to sell intoxicating,: liquor at the Cabin John
Bridge Hotel, in Montgomery county, Maryland. "
Mr. Robinson moved to substitute the bill for the un-
favorable report.
Which motion was adopted.
Also, favorably,
Senate bill entitled "An Act to authorize the town of
Takoma Park, to borrow an additional sum of money not
exceeding $10, 000 with credit of said town (if the same
shall be necessary for the purpose of constructing and
maintaining waterworks and a sewerage system for said
town), to issue bonds for the payment thereof, and to
levy taxes to redeem said bonds, and to pay the interest
thereon, to authorize the issue of said bonds and also a
prior issue of bonds for the purpose of constructing and
maintaining waterworks and a sewerage system only. "
Which was read a second time.
Mr. Duncan, from Select Committee, reported favor-
Senate bill entitled "An Act to provide a special fund,
as authorized by chapter 123, section 2; of the Acts of
the General Assembly of Maryland, session 1898, title
'City of Baltimore, ' sub-title 'Charter, ' sub-title 'General
Powers, ' sub-title 'Police, ' and to care for and regulate
the distribution of said fund. "
Which was read a second time.
Mr. Truitt, of Worcester, from Select Committee, re-
ported favorably,
Senate bill entitled "An Act to authorize the legal and
qualified voters of Snow Hill, in Worcester county, to
decide by ballot whether or not town coupon bonds, not
exceeding the sum of $15, 000, shall be issued by said
town for the purpose of shelling and otherwise improv-
ing the streets of the town of Snow Hill, and also for the
purpose of providing electric light plant for said -town. "
Which was read a second time.
Mr. Norris, from Select Committee, reported favor-
Senate bill entitled "An Act to add a section to Article
15 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title 'Kent County, '
sub-title 'Chestertown, ' to follow section 59, and to be