VOTES and PROCEEDINGS, November Session, 1800.
Mr. Mercer, from the committee, delivers to the speaker
the following resolution:
Whereas it hath been represented to this present general
assembly, that francis Ware, (who heretofore commanded
the troops of this state, then the colony of Maryland, with distinguished
bravery and fidelity, and who,
during the late revolutionary war, was lieutenant-colonel of the first
regiment raised by this state, from which
service he was compelled to retire by the infirmities peculiarly incident
to a military life in these climates,) has,
by reason of his said infirm health, and misfortunes arising from those
acts of benevolence which the duties of
society often render indispensable, and not by imprudence or want of due
economy,, become reduced to extreme
indigence in his advanced age; and it being unworthy, (both in example
and principle,) of the citizens of a free
republic, to desert, in their distress, those of their fellow-citizens
who have rendered important services in distinguished
stations, whilst high honors and great rewards attend public services in
other forms of government;
RESOLVED unanimously, That there be granted to the said Francis Ware half
pay as lieutenant-colonel, (rated
according to the establishment when he retired from service,) from
the date of this resolution, and during the
remainder of his life; and that the treasurer of the western shore be and
he is hereby authorised and directed to
pay the same to the said Francis Ware in quarterly payments.
Which was read.
The report on the petition of Henry Disherd was read
the second time, concurred with, and leave given to
bring in a bill pursuant thereto. ORDERED, That the committee appointed
on said petition prepare and bring in
the same.
A petition from Andrew Price, of Talbot county, praying
an act of insolvency, was preferred, read, and referred
to the consideration of the senate.
A petition from Henry Casey, an alien, praying a confirmation
of his title to certain property, was preferred,
read, and referred to Mr. Smith, of Baltimore, Mr. Worthington and Mr.
Lloyd, to consider and report
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be and they
are hereby authorised to employ some person or persons
to stop the leak in the roof of the stadt-house, and to paint the external
part, the expences attending the
same to be paid out of the five hundred pounds subject to the appropriation
of the governor and council.
Sent to the senate by the clerk.
Mr. Mercer, from the committee, delivers to the speaker
the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the petition of the
securities of Dennis Griffith, submit the following
report: That the map executed by the said Griffith is a work of great
public utility; that the seldom are or can
be executed but under the liberal patronage of those governments for whose
benefit they are intended; that there
is reason to believe, (as the securities allege,) that the author sunk
a very considerable sum of money, exclusive
of his time expended on this work, and that had he applied to the legislature
in the first instance for a donation
to assist him, instead of a loan, and could have secured the faithful execution
of the work, it would not been
refused; that the loss sustained by the said Griffith, and his ultimate
ruin, induced the legislature, (without the
assent of the said securities,) first to grant him indulgence in the payment,
and finally to liberate him from this,
and other debts, by an act of insolvency; that without questioning the
right of the legislature to interpose with
such acts, where the public are not parties, but are wholly disinterested,
yet in cases where the state itself is a
party, different principles certainly apply, as none can be judge in their
own case; considering therefore the
great utility of the work, and its strong claim to public patronage, and
the interference of the legislature without
the assent of the securities, they submit the following resolution:
RESOLVED, That the securities of Dennis Griffith be
and they are hereby released from their said securityship
entered into to this state on behalf of the said Griffith, and that the
treasurer of the western shore be and he is
hereby directed to deliver up their bonds for the same, on payment of all
costs that may be or have been incurred
in prosecuting the suit or suits against them.
By order,
J. HARWOOD, clk.
Which was read.
The bill to prevent swine from going at large in the
town of Queen-Anne, in Prince-George's county, was
read the second time, passed, and sent to the senate by the clerk.
The bill for the relief if William McMahan, and others,
securities of Robert Sinclair, late sheriff of Allegany
county, was read the second time, passed, and to the senate by the clerk.
A petition from Edmund Stansbury, of Baltimore county,
praying the treasurer of the western shore may be
authorised to repay to him the sum of £. 60 18 9, paid into the
treasury under certain acts of assembly, was
preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Worthington, Mr. Lloyd and Mr. Stansbury,
to consider and report
Mr. Orrell, from the committee, delivers to the speaker
a bill, entitled, An act relating to the allowance of
the justices of the orphans courts, justices of the levy courts, and commissioners
of the tax, in the several counties
of this state; which was read the first time and ordered to lie on the
A petition from James Little, of Harford county,
praying a return of money for deficiency of land purchased
of the state, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Hyland, Mr. Montgomery
and Mr. Bond, to consider and
report thereon.