The Same day Commrs as afore
John Lenham plte Henry Smith pro plte
Lawrence Gere deft deft appeares in his own person
Sommersett Ss Lawrence Gere was Summoned to answr unto John Lenham in an
accon of the Case &c
And whereupon the said John by his Attorney Henry Smith Saith that he the Said John in ye
year of or Lord God 1674 Did by A Certaine writing Covenant & agree with mr William
Stevens of this County gentl to builld for & upon the said Stevens plantacon A brick house
The demensions manner & forme of wch house Soe by the Said John agreed with ye Sd Stevens
to be built being mentioned in the Said writing with ye Consideracon for ye building thereof
wch writing was signed by him the said John and the Said William And by Consent of the
said John & William Delivered to the keeping of Lawrence Gere, with this Provisoe & consent
of the said William & John to have the perusuall of the said writing when they or either
of them did require the Same, but ye Said John often requiring the said writing of him ye
said Lawrence Gere yt soe he might goe on punctually with the buillding according to
Agreement Concluded upon Mentioned in the said writing he the Said Lawrence
altogether denyed the Said John to let him have ye perusuall thereof, The Sd writing -
being the said John rule Direction & guide wholy for ye building Compleating and
finishing the same soe yt without the said writing he was forced to builld & finish ye
brick work to his great Losse having builded the brickwork thereof the Sd Lawrence
keeping by force & violence the said writing from the said John hath Caused greate
Loss by the said John building the said house larger then was agreed upon. The plt
Saith he hath Loss to ye vallue of Two Thousand nine hundred pounds of Tobacco and
Thereupon brings his Sute &c
After some debate & mr Wm Stevens made oath on the behalf of ye deft -
This Cort orders That the plte pay Cort Charges being no Cause of accon
The Same Day Commrs present vizt
mr William Stevens
mr James Jones . . . . . . mr David Browne
present mr George Johnson . . . . . mr James Dashiell Commrs
mr John Winder mr Edward Smith
mr Charles Ballard mr Wm Jones
John Dorman Cooper plte Henry Smith pro plte
Richard Stevens deft Thomas Poole pro deft
The former proseedings being read the deft: by his Attorney Thomas Poole humbly Craves A Jury
Therefore it is Commanded the Sheriffe of this County to Impannell A Jury to Come here
of Twelve whome are Sworne vizt Randall Revell, Daniell Curtis, James Weatherle, Richard
Chambers; Henry Hooper: William ffurnis: George Betts: William Walstone: Thomas Walston,
& to them were delivered ye whole proceedings
Samuell Shewell: Henry Huttson and Nicolas ffountain^ And the Same Day to witt the 8th
day of ffebruary Annoq Dom 1675 Came as well the said John Dorman by Henry Smith his
Attorney: And the said Richard Stevens by Thomas Poole his Attorney as the said Jurors
to witt: Randall Revell, Daniell Curtis: James Weatherle; Richard Chambers: Henry Hooper
William ffurnis; Goerge Betts: William Walstone: Thomas Walstone: Samuell Shewell:
Henry Huttson & Nicolas ffountaine: who to say the Truth being Summoned Impannelled
& Sworne upon theire oaths Say they finde for the defendant & that the plaintiff pay Cost
of Suite, And thereupon the Cort ordrs Anonsute ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The Same Day Commrs: as afore onely mr Davaid Brown riseth from ye board
David Browne plte Edward Jones pro plt
Jno Goldsmith deft deft appeares in his owne person
Sommersett Ss: John Goldsmith Late of the County of Sommersett in the Province of
Maryland plantor was Summoned to answr unto David Brown in A
Plea of Debt;/ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
And whereupon the said David Browne by his Attourney Edward Jones Saith yt the said (John)