Rt: honble:
The sherriffe of this County acquainting wee Commrs: of Sommersett
County that it was yor: excellencys pleasure that an Accompt be
taken and returned to the Secretaryes office under the hands of
the Commrs: of this Court of all the fines fforfeitures and
Amercements assessed upon divers persons within the said
Cort: for Divers Contempts and tresspasses by them Committed
and done, which wee had Long since Due according to our
oaths soe to Doe; onely have understood that it was yor: excel
lencys ffavor: to this County that the said fines &c; Shoulld be
Imployed for the good of this County till yor: excellency shoulld
please to signifie otherwayes, wee being bound in Duty to
give yor: excellency an accompt of this same; which wee under
written Commrs: as aforesaid have subscribed an accompt of
the said fines now Sent by the sherriffe, some of the fines
are assessed in tobacco and in hopes of Injoying yor: excellencys
favour to the Inhabitants of this County, The Court hath
presumed to order part of them for the pubique use supposing
it might not be Contrary to yor: excellencys pleasure; there is
alsoe with the Accompt of the fines an accompt from y Record
to what use the Cort: ordered some of them; one thing more wee
thinke Convenient humbly to signfie unto yor: excellency vizt
the greatest quantity of Indians in this Province Doe live at
Asskinonockeson and places near adjacent; to goe unto which
(as is very well knowne) at present Cannot doe without much
trouble and danger if the Indians Shoulld be minded to doe
mischiefe who boast of their Strength if the northward Indians
as they pretended Shoulld Come against them by reason of
their being gott soe many together and wee knowing that
that nothing more awes the Indians then to See y English
make sufficient passages ffor horsse and foote to come to y
places of their Abode, which tends to the peace and Security