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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1671-1675
Volume 87, Page 574   View pdf image (33K)
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At A County Cort: helld the 14th: day of Septembr: in the XXXXiiiith: yeare
of the Dominion of the Rt: honr:ble Caecilius &c Annoq Do: 1675 before his
Lopps: Justices thereunto Assigned And Authorized ; / ; ~
mr: George Johnson
prSent mr: Charles Ballard . . . : mr: James Dashiell Commrs:
mr: David Browne . . . : mr: Edward Smith
John Cole Henry Smith pro plt:
James Johnson
Sommersett Ss James Johnson was Attached to answer y Suite
of John Cole in an accon of trespas upon y Case
And the said John by his Attorney Henry Smith Saith that the
said James became Indebted unto the said Cole the summe of
six hundred twenty and one pounds of Tobacco and Caske as pr
A Judgemt: Confessed by the said James in Accomack Cort: with
the ffees more plainely will appeare by the ordr: of the said Cort:
here produced but the said James fraudulently intending refuseth
to pay the aforesaid summe of 621lb: of to & Caske whereby the sd: John
is Damnified & hath Dammadge to y vallue of 1500lb: tob: & Caske &
thereupon brings his Suite
pro quer Hen: Smith
The ordr: of Accomack read as ffoll
At A Cort: Continewed Sept: y llth: 1674
mr: Charles Scarburgh
Major Edm: Bowman . . . : Capta: Wm Custis
mr: John Wise . . . . . : mr: Thomas Browne
on the back Side Judgemt: is this day granted to John Cole agt: James Johnson for
was writt thus y Summe of five hundred forty nine pounds of tobacco & Caske
ordr: agt: James forthwith to be pd: als execucon
Johnson 549 vera Copias Teste ffr: Llord Cler Court: Accomack
Charges 72 And after y reading of the aforesaid ordr: The deft: James Johnson
621 being

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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1671-1675
Volume 87, Page 574   View pdf image (33K)
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