Suite be ended ; / ; ~ ~ ~ Richard Shockley
Therefore the Cort: Commanded the sherriffe of this County
to Impannell A Jury to Come here of Twelve who are Sworne
vizt, Edward Southrin, Henry Miles; Michell Williams James
Weatherly; Richard Chambers; Richard Tull, John Horsey, Richard
Stevens; Stephen Horsey, Samuell Long; John King of Manoakin
and Wm: Walstone ; / ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
And the same Day to witt the 11th: day of november 1674
Came aSwell the said John Hillyard by Henry Smith his
Attourney And Richard Shockley in his proper person as the
said Jurors to witt, Edward Southrin; Henry Miles; Michaell
Williams; James Weatherly; Richard Chambers; Richard Tull
John Horsey; Richard Stevens; Stephen Horsey; Samuell Long
John King of Manoakin and Wm: Walstone; who to say y truth
being summoned Impannelled and Sworne upon theire oathes
say they Doe finde for the plaintiffe Twenty pounds of tobacco
with Cost of Suite; Therefore this Cort: orders that the Defendant
Richard Shockley pay John Hillyard twenty pounds of Tobacco wth:
Cost of Suite ; / ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ The Same Day Commts: as Afore ~ ~ ~ ~
whereas it was ordered at A Cort: helld the 8th: Sept: last past yt: mr: Charles Ballard
& mr: David Browne was to end A difference betweene Cornelius Johnson of Pocomoke
plts & Henry Harman plts: & Memoston an Indian for killing of A hog of theires
The sd: mr:Ballard & mr: Browne ordered the sd: Memoston to pay the defts: 15of
Deere Skins And thereupon this Cort: ordrs: That the said Memoston pay
the said fifteene Drest deere Skins accordingly to Cornelius Johnson of
Pocomoke & Henry Harman; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~