Both the commission and convention compiled reports and other publications
that were made available for general distribution. The convention also distributed
two other publications. Along with the records of the commission and convention,
the Hall of Records received copies of some of these publications for distribution to
interested persons. Those still available, free of charge, from the Hall of Records
include the following.
Report of the Constitutional Convention Commission on Constitutional Con-
vention Enabling Act (Baltimore: Constitutional Convention Commission,
Report of the Constitutional Convention Commission (Annapolis: Constitu-
tional Convention Commission, 1967)
Program of the Organizational Meeting (Constitutional Convention, [1967])
Directory of Delegates (Annapolis: Constitutional Convention, [1967])
Rules of the Constitutional Convention of Maryland (Annapolis: Constitu-
tional Convention, 1967)
Resource Guide on the Maryland Constitutional Convention (Baltimore: State
Department of Education, 1967)
Survey of the Judicial System of Maryland (Institute of Judicial Administra-
tion, 1967)
Journal of the Constitutional Convention of Maryland of 1967-1968 (Annapo-
lis: Constitutional Convention, 1968)
Constitution of Maryland as Adopted by the Convention (Constitutional Con-
vention, [1968])
Comparison of Present Constitution and Constitution Proposed by Convention
(Annapolis: Constitutional Convention, 1968)