December 17, 1968
I have just finished meeting with the legislative leadership to in-
form them of a decision for the time of my resignation. Before I
announced this I did want to give them a chance to comment on the
timing. The timing seems to be satisfactory to everyone who con-
ferred with me. It is my intention to resign the Governorship of
Maryland as of noon on January 7th; I will call the Legislature into
Special Session at noon on January 6th, so that they will have a day
for deliberation prior to my resignation and before they vote on my
successor. I expect to address the General Assembly at noon on Jan-
uary 7th, after which time I will vacate the mansion and leave the
State for, I guess, warmer climes.
Questions and Answers
Q. Are you open for questions, sir?
A. On that subject, yes. Any question on that?
Q. Governor, are you going to make any tax recommendations on
the seventh?
A. I have just received the revenue estimates and I want to study
the revenue estimates, but I would say this — that it's very doubtful
that I will make any tax recommendations. The new Governor will
have the policy problems to consider. I want to leave him with as
much flexibility as possible.
Q. Governor, do you plan any open press conferences between now
and your departure?
A. I have no plans for any open press conferences at the moment.
I certainly expect to have some when I reach Washington.
Q. Governor, will you endorse anyone as your successor?
A. No, I will not.
Q. Governor, regarding the State's budget for the coming year — is
that going to be your budget?
A. It will be my budget, to the same extent that Governor Tawes'
budget that he left for me when I took the governorship was his
budget — which is to an appreciable extent because much of the bud-
get has already been printed.